It's all connected...
It’s true…
The energy patterns that are operating in every interaction are easy to identify once you learn the basics. This knowledge can enhance every aspect of your life. I have taught about Energy Signatures in my hands-on-healing program for years. It is the single most powerful avenue to create better health, enhance your relationships, and align with your spiritual purpose. When you are manifesting your unique gifts, you truly become a healing presence in the world.
Working with students and clients over the years has been a joy, watching their process and growth. It’s not about changing who you are, but balancing your energy patterns, removing obstacles and letting your soul shine through.

My Story
As a kid, my aunt paid me in licorice to “massage” her neck. Honestly I don’t know what I was doing, but I could feel energy move and bodies shift under my hands. I was always interested in healing, spirituality, and esoteric philosophy, but it still took me years to realize my “hobby” was actually my true calling.
I got some training and started my energy healing practice. Soon I was teaching, and created an in-depth program (The McKay Method® School of Energy Healing.) My talent as a teacher is making hands-on-healing accessible, step by step. This work is simple, powerful, and effective. Anyone can develop their ability to sense energy and heal. It’s the next stage of human evolution!
I have lived in Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco as a filmmaker; I moved to Bozeman, Montana to raise my two daughters. I was lay-ordained in the Zen Buddhist tradition of Shunru Suzuki Roshi in 2015. I studied chaplaincy under Roshi Joan Halifax (Upaya Zen Center of Santa Fe) and worked briefly as a Chaplain. I have taught energy healing classes and worked with clients all over the world.
*I’d like to acknowledge some of my human teachers: Inuit Healer Della Keats, Shelby Hammit, Emilie Conrad, Byron Katie, Barbara Brennan, Michael Newton, Ammachi and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I am forever grateful to them and the many guides, gods, and angels that I’ve learned so much from.