Learn How to Finish Working with Your Client

Energetic Disconnect

This process gently disengages you from a client in stages, which is nice especially after doing deep work. It also reinstates the integrity of your own auric field, apart and separate from the clients.


Exercise Part One: Disconnect Energetically

In this exercise we will learn to gently disconnect from our client in stages, and reinforce the earlier “cup-and-bounce” technique. We are sensing the edge of the auric field, which is our energetic boundary. The size of our auric field fluctuates depending on the situation - we contract and expand unconsciously (for instance, our elevator boundary/field versus our boundary/field during intimacy).

Part One  - Review, “Cup and Bounce” Technique

  • Align your Hara
  • Start 4’ – 5’ away, which should put you outside their field
  • With a soft hand, cup and bounce SLOWLY until you have that feeling of slight pressure in your palm
  • When you think you have the edge, press in slowly to feel the build up of density; then take your hand out of the field, and once out cup and bounce to feel the contrast
  • Re-find the edge of the auric field – the sweet spot!


Exercise Part 2: A Closing Ritual

After you have finished working with your client, at the end of a session - with your client still lying on the (massage) table – find the edge of their auric field. Once you have located it, bring your other hand up to touch the edge too. With your hands staying in contact with the edge of their field, silently express gratitude for the opportunity to do this work, blessings for the client – do whatever you like, make your own personal version of this silent ritual!

 After taking this moment of gratitude, release your hands and take a big step back, out of their field. With your hands at mid-torso and lying parallel on top of each other, swipe them apart, sideways. Then draw down your Hara line from that point.

 This process gently disengages you from a client in stages, which is nice especially after doing deep work. It also reinstates the integrity of your own auric field, apart and separate from the clients.



  • Cup and bounce to find the edge of the auric field
  • Create a blessing/gratitude practice
  • Step back, swipe and disengage drawing down your Hara


Now you know how to begin a healing session by aligning your Hara, ending it with a blessing, and a process to gently disengage from your client’s energy field.


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