Bear's Blog

Donald Trump & Kamala Harris

A Battle for Hearts and Minds

Oct 03, 2024

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Understanding the Energy Signatures of the presidential candidates gives us an opportunity to reflect on how the dynamics of their energy types explain their behavior. There are “2 sides of the coin” to each energy type. The gifts and the challenges are at the far ends of a spectrum. The more you work through your challenges (cons), the more you will exhibit the “gifts” (pros) side of the equation. A defensive pattern – how you react when in conflict – is a challenge.

Donald Trump - Warrior-Lover

The Warrior - On the pro side of things, we can see Trump has leadership qualities and thinks big picture. Warriors are also the best communicators! Successful salespeople are often Warriors, so it’s no surprise it’s a main type for Trump. It’s his strongest business strength — selling his brand.

The cons of the type arise from the core issue for a Warrior — trust and betrayal. We see that play out in Trumps’ demand for absolute allegiance to him above all else, surrounding himself with loyalists. Warriors are quick to express their anger, and he lashes out and punishes those he feels betrayed by.

People develop Warrior patterning as a child when they are catapulted into responsibilities beyond their abilities. With Trump, this was possibly being made to “step into the shoes” of his eldest brother. This results in bravado and confidence that overlay a deeper insecurity. They need to be in control and use intimidation and charm to get their way.

The Lover - The core issue of the Lover is a deep need to be with others, in a way that blurs boundaries. They want approval and react emotionally in the moment. The way Trump feeds off the energy of the audience at rallies is typical Lover. He needs to be the center of attention — and the news cycle — at all times.

Lovers take care with their appearance, and the Warrior-Lover combination is usually very attractive and engaging. The pros of the Lover — a sweet, nurturing side — are not evident in his public life.

Kamala Harris — Warrior-Royal

The Warrior - With her history it’s clear Harris has leadership abilities, along with the charisma and great communication skills of the Warrior. We saw that aspect of her come forward as she immediately jumped into the race and gained the nomination. With breath-taking speed she broke fundraising records and garnered support across the political spectrum.

Like all Warriors, issues of trust and betrayal figure prominently. She does value loyalty both with friends and professionally. Harris exhibits a single-minded pursuit of her goals with little regard for those with opposing positions. Like her opponent, intimidation for foes and charm for friends are ways that she influences people.

The developmental aspect of her Warrior pattern was perhaps in response to her parents’ divorce, becoming the de facto second parent to her sister. Also, having an immigrant mother with an accent could mean she felt she had to stand up for her (a role many 2nd generation Americans play for their parents). She stepped in to save a friend from an abusive home situation as a teen, indicating the Warrior “savior” complex.

The Royal –

The Royal’s core issue is the need for validation, which leads to perfectionism. They will constantly work towards a sometimes unachievable ideal. Prosecutors are usually Royal Warriors because of the exacting nature of the profession, requiring great attention to detail. They are the most organized, efficient, and productive of the types!

Harris tempered a need for control and the spotlight as Vice President. That suggests an ability to balance her inherent attributes according to the needs of the role. Royals can be a team player or a leader depending on the situation.

The Warrior is the only type that doesn’t shy away from conflict — why it’s so interesting to watch Harris tangle with Trump. A Warrior is always up for a good fight!

Peace, love and healing -


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