I had seen Ann, a corporate CEO, for different physical and work-related issues. In this particular session an elderly woman immediately presented herself. She said she needed to tell Ann something about her home. She then took me on a room by room “tour” of a beautiful, grand house. Furthermore, she was proud of her home and the things she had collected in her travels. I was astounded by a massive, intricately carved bedroom set, with antique dolls resting in a row on the pillows.
She finally took me to a sitting room, with a fireplace and built-in bookcases along the side. She wanted Ann to have something special from her travels – several wooden figures, about 4” tall, tucked away on a bottom shelf in a basket.
When the tour was over, I asked Ann who this elderly woman might be. As it turned out, her mother-in-law had passed earlier in the year; she was going to her house that weekend with her husband and his siblings. The purpose of the trip was to decide what to do with her belongings. Much of it was going to an auction house, as there were many quite valuable items. My client recognized the house as it was “shown” to me, including the huge canopy bed with the dolls. Yet when I told her about the basket holding the special keepsakes, she drew a blank although she knew the house and its contents well.
As the conduit for this kind of information, I can only relay what I see and am told; sometimes my client can’t confirm the details. However, when she went to the house that weekend there were the figures, in the basket by the fireplace!
Commentary: Spontaneous Greetings
My clients may not be accessible for communication from the other side on their own. Maybe they are too busy “Doing” – and that includes thinking! - all the time, are too emotional, or just not open to the possibility. When it’s important a spirit can try to come in dreams, or to reach another person (often a child) that is close by. Sometimes that person is me!
Fortunately, I can ask why they have come in what I call Soul Dialog. This is any communication that is not heard with our physical ears. It includes talking with animals, plants, other living forms and people in a coma or who are unconscious.
Another kind of unannounced visitor in a session is often - a beloved pet! They are just happy and enthusiastic to connect with their owner. When I describe a pet, the client usually replies with something like “oh, that’s Sparky, my cocker spaniel I had as a kid!” My Aussie Edward died many years ago but is still always at my right shoulder. No specific content, just love and support...
There is more happening on the other side than you might think! What other situations have I encountered like this? I’ll be describing more case studies during this month when the veil is thin…
~ Bear
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