Bear's Blog

Agile Policewoman Stepping out of the Police Vehicle and Sprinting to Help a Mugged Victim. Female Officer Running to Arrest a Wanted Criminal. Strong Inspiring Woman on Duty for Law Enforcement

An Emotional and Physical Journey

May 30, 2024

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A policewoman came to me with a big problem - she was close to the maximum weight allowed for an officer. Her weight had always been an issue, yo-yoing by as much as 100 pounds. Having tried many diets over the years she wanted to find a sustainable solution. In the past she was prescribed amphetamines, but like most drugs it was a short term fix with side effects. She had some unhelpful habits but that wasn’t the main issue; with weight gain, it’s rarely just about the physical.

Andie: She was Ready to Move On

She had a chronic sore throat that would go into bronchitis. I got an image of her literally choking on her words when trying to express herself, particularly feelings. She was an emotional eater and spent long hours in the squad car drinking too much coffee and eating junk food. She volunteered for long shifts, feeling like a martyr and neglecting herself. She had difficult relations with her supervisor; like with her father, she was never good enough and didn’t feel valued.

Her father beat her mother, and she would cover her mouth to avoid screaming. She was left alone with a drunk friend of his who abused her. Although married for 8 years she and her husband rarely had sex. She had left and asked for a divorce; but the past year he was harassing her and refused to cooperate. She often felt grief and sadness.

I advised her to release some of her anger at a shooting range, and later to yell and hit a punching bag (it was hard for her to vocalize at first.) With a deep unconscious belief that “people will hurt you if you’re pretty - it’s better to be smart”, we worked to integrate her feminine side with the strong one.

She also had panic attacks. On an emergency call, police and firefighters were rushing into danger - a bombed building in flames - as other people were running out to escape. The stress of her job hit her. On vacation she prepared healthy meals for herself, felt good and lost 7lbs, but the anxiety came back immediately at work.

I gradually improved her chakra baseline (see commentary) and most of her issues improved. After losing 15 lbs she dated a few times! She was nervous, but felt like she could take care of herself and deserved to be happy - choosing who and what was good for her. She organized and froze meals for the 12 hr shifts, saving money and eating better. After several months she was steadily losing 4-5 lbs a month.

The divorce was finalized after I energetically detached her former husband. She realized she needed to change jobs and began training to become a tactical supervisor. She started planning for the future, organizing her house and finances to eventually buy a home near her mother for retirement. Finishing training for the new job she tried not to overdo it at work to compensate for a lack of self-worth. She was more accepting of herself - “I’m who I am” - and not changing for others.


Her Energy Signature was Warrior/Gardener. Gardener energy types usually have the most difficulty with weight gain and stabilization. They have a square torso shape, no matter their age or weight. With a big heart, they are generous to a fault. Gardeners are famously easy-going and will accommodate others, making them great friends and partners (but less great with self-care.) Another aspect of an accommodating boundary is taking on other people’s energy, and that energy builds up. They don’t express their own feelings very well. Over time the residual excess energy literally translates into pounds!

How does that happen? The holding on of energy - both theirs and other peoples - is maintained through a minimal flow of energy in the 2nd chakra (abdomen) and 5th chakra (throat). This creates an energetic “container”. The 2nd chakra is the seat of emotion, and low energy there also slows digestion. The 5th chakra is about self-expression and taking charge of your life. When these areas are inhibited the person shuts down, unable to freely access their emotional life or show up as their best selves. This is the Gardener pattern out of balance and at its worst (and what I saw when I first worked with her.) The good news is patterns can change for the better, allowing a person's gifts to shine!

Peace, love and healing -


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