We are in for quite the ride, if you decide to jump on it! We have a conjunction of events - time markers - and each one is a significant opportunity to inhale fresh, invigorating energy. The energy of spring and growth. The equinox, Easter, and then a double eclipse are all happening in the span of a few weeks. Underlying it all is the Year of the Dragon energy. So take advantage of the wind beneath your wings (and spring IS the windy season.) Now is a good time to activate your magic!
The spring equinox marks a shifting of seasons and a reset of our circadian rhythms - the clock our bodies are truly attuned to. Although it was a few days ago, that energy is still available. The sun is shining extra special light and higher vibrations for the rest of the week. Find time outdoors (especially at sunrise and sunset ) to take in and be thankful for the sun’s radiance that makes all life possible!
Then there is Easter, with its story of rebirth and a celebration of what’s possible. We decorate eggs - the ultimate symbol of emergence. Eggs represent new life - and chicks, who are newly hatched, will eventually take flight. Rabbits represent fertility, and there are spring flowers and new green growth popping up everywhere.
The eclipse “window” is when we have a lunar eclipse at the full moon, and a solar eclipse at the new moon two weeks later. I experience it as an unpredictable, yet exciting realm of possibilities that open up for me. I can jump or not, but if the time is right these can be huge opportunities that influence the trajectory of your life. This year, at the full moon on April 8th, we have a TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN that can be seen across a wide swath of the United States. I’ve always heard that it's inexplicably moving, unlike anything you have ever experienced. This year I’m going to join the eclipse chasers and go for it!
All these events have long-established traditions associated with them. For the celestial equinox, there are literally stone monuments created to mark it. Seasonal celebrations for the equinoxes and solstices are as old as humankind. At Easter there are many religious observances during Holy Week. At this time Christians reflect on the Resurrection, a remarkable occurrence that gives hope for the future. Eclipses bring up enhanced versions of full moon and new moon practices, which are as old as stargazing and moon mysteries. The traditional festivities for the Chinese Year of the Dragon were in February, but the energy is with us all year!
With the convergence of these major energetic influences (all within 3 weeks!) it’s time to - first, take a deep breath and ground. Then, explore the possibilities of what’s been waiting to emerge in your life. What perceived shell or block are you ready to break free from? What will help you do that? The Dragon is fierce action personified, so borrow a bit of that energy - and notice what shows up for you during the eclipse window!
Peace, love and healing -
Are you ready to take action? Want to grow your capacity to heal and connect with spirit? Start here! By sensing energy in the body and beyond, you’ll expand your natural intuitive powers and connection to spirit - as you move forward in this earthly realm.
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