Bear's Blog

USA flag with fireworks background for 4th of July

Born on the Fourth

Jul 04, 2024

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This week we celebrate the birth of the United States of America. At the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin said “when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble… all their prejudices, passions, errors of opinion, local interests and selfish views.” Afterwards when asked about the outcome, he said “It’s a republic, if you can keep it.” The United States is a democratic (majority rule) republic (a representative form of government.)

The opening of the Constitution states that “We the people, to form a more perfect union…” which sums up the ideals and intentions for our new country. The effort requires constant attention. In the beginning, the founding fathers who wrote those words were all wealthy white men - who owned land and slaves. We the people considered ourselves colonists (originally from and aligned with England) and continued to act like colonists do after the Declaration of Independence. The original inhabitants of this country were lied to and stolen from, their rights were ignored and the prevailing idea of “manifest destiny” continued on a course of genocide and assimilation.

In spite of all that, as we continued onward, the ideal to form a more perfect union - although hardly embodied - still informed us. That meant continuing to strive toward ensuring a life of liberty and freedom for ALL. Eventually the obvious form of slavery ended, and more people (finally, women!) were given the right to vote. In modern times the freedom to marry who we choose, to have control over our bodies and the right to healthcare were legalized as critical to our “pursuit of happiness.”

And yet… two steps forward, one step back?

As a democratic republic we all vote for representatives. The trick is to actually reflect majority opinion while preserving stability and the rights of all people. Popular will can easily devolve into ongoing tribalism, sects or parties. In the extreme this undermines the government, which was initially set up as a system of checks and balances to prevent any one group from having unlimited power. If the majority truly ruled we would have reproductive rights, better gun regulation, money out of politics, clean air and water before (but not to the exclusion of) profits.

So to keep it requires constant vigilance, especially now. An active and informed citizenry is critical at a time when many lack a basic understanding of how government works (3 branches!!!). It’s shocking that less than 40% of people eligible even vote! Government affects each of us in myriad ways and being apathetic never helped change anything.

Ben Franklin was noted to be less enthusiastic than usual at the Constitutional Convention because it was not perfect; but ultimately he thought it better, with all its faults, than not trying. So try we must, to continue in that spirit no matter our inability to fully embody or act in accord with our highest selves. This upcoming election is critical to our continued form of government.  So many lives, and the fate of our earthly home, depend on it.

Peace, Love and Healing -


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