What do my students do after they find out their Energy Signature? Figure out which ones fit their partners, kids, parents, friends and co-workers!
Armed with your “cheat sheet” you may be noticing how physical clues and behaviors match up. Are you wondering if you’re judging people? The conduct described seems biased toward the negative.
What you see is a superficial manifestation of an energy type. Knowing a bit more about WHY these patterns develop actually elicits more compassion for people.
This is especially important as we assess those closer to us. It’s well known that holiday gatherings can lead to annoyance, irritation - even conflict. There are tons of movies and “advice” about this! Instead of trying to change the situation, for now continue experimenting as an observer.
Here are a few more ways to identify energy types in action. Remember there are pros and cons to every energy type, and conflict brings out the “con” side.
A Priest will want to escape, so they withdraw – physically! Are they looking up when talking vs. making eye contact? If they can't leave, they’ll “check out” energetically.
A Lover feels the situation acutely and is genuinely distressed - for themselves and for others. They may have an emotional outburst or even a meltdown.
A Gardener tries to smooth things over and DO more to keep everyone happy, at the expense of their own feelings (sometimes resulting in passive-aggressive behavior).
A Warrior will attack when threatened! Comfortable with conflict, they need to be right – or else explain how they weren’t wrong. They often dominate conversation.
A Royal valiantly works to keep emotion tamped down and everything on schedule. If things aren’t going perfectly, they might get anxious and even become critical.
You may already be familiar with the interpersonal dynamics in your group! If you notice how YOUR Energy Signature shows up, that’s great – I encourage you to have more compassion for yourself too. Remember, we are in the “gathering information” mode. You can help create better, more productive relationships when you know a bit more about energy types.
Take advantage of the holidays as a prime time to witness how Energy Signatures play a part in our interactions. Keep it light, and don’t take anything personally. The best quality is the ability to laugh at yourself – and the imperfect, but lovable, humans we live with.
Peace, love and healing -
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