This week’s Corona Care subject transcends categories – it could be in play/art, meditation, nature, or gratitude. I’m going to frame altars as a way of bringing moments of gratitude into your days – but they can also evoke inspiration, contemplation, devotion and appreciation.
What is an altar? It’s a visual reminder that brings a connection to spirit into everyday life. A place for the mind to rest and appreciate a greater perspective of what is. Just like that alcove or landing with a little bench and pillows, maybe set next to a window - even if you never sit there, every time you pass by it creates a sense of relaxation!
In fact, you may have an “altar” without labeling it as such. Whether it’s small or large, placed on a bedside table, fireplace mantle, windowsill or kitchen counter, it’s a collection of items that are meaningful to you. An altar is an invitation to pause; to celebrate a fond memory, fuel an aspirational intention, or make a call for healing. It can be as simple a picture of a loved one with an item connected to them. Maybe you have Saint Christopher on your dashboard for safe travels, or a dream catcher above your bed. These are examples of how we manifest our link to the divine amid the mundane!
An altar can also be a place of formal spiritual practice. I have an antique “home altar” mass-produced by the Catholic Church in the 1940’s. It has a plaster statue of Mary, Joseph and Jesus encased in a wooden box, with places for a candle and (plastic!) flowers. There’s a little pull out shelf that holds a bottle of holy water, a doily, and a prayer card. Tibetan Buddhists have an elaborate altar for specific ritual. The Mexican “Day of the Dead” altars are beautiful dedications of gratitude for ancestors. My main altar is omni-religious - I draw from many rich and lively traditions, as well as more individual elements, in my daily practice.
Your altars are unique and personal, an expression of your connection to a something greater. An item that is placed with care and significance counts. There are traveling altars, outdoor altars, altars in the workplace (think of the elaborate ones that grow in cubicles!), public and communal altars. They can be intuitive or based on a form like Chinese Feng Shui, Indian Vastu, and the Native American Medicine Wheel.
Altars in my home are organic and tend to multiply and grow on their own (an overgrown altar, like a garden, needs to be weeded once in a while). There is at least one in every room in the house! They serve to remind me of helpful deities, places and elements of nature, people (and pets) I have loved. Some are temporary – I love making huge altars for classes – and everyone is invited to bring items to share as well. It enhances the energy of the room, and the objects themselves get more “juicy” from our healing work.
Studies have shown that gratitude actually improves our mental and physical health. An altar is a creative expression of gratitude, a way to remember to stop for a moment and count our blessings. We can find something to be grateful for EVERY DAY. As stressful as these times are, there is always something to be thankful for. Once you start thinking about it, you’ll be surprised at how much there is that’s good to focus on.
Be grateful!
Here’s a description of common Altar Elements to consider including as you make your own!
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