Bear's Blog

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Love and Other Languages

Aug 01, 2024

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The hugely popular book “The 5 Love Languages” is celebrated as a self-help phenomenon, still popular 30 years after its publication! It catalogs five different ways of expressing love - words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch. Why has it endured? It is basically about communication and addresses the most important aspect of our lives - the fundamental need to love and be loved. Does this model directly relate to Energy Signatures? And if so, how?

Each of the energy types in Energy Signatures has a particular communication style. Understanding yours, and the person you are engaging with, is helpful to frame communication issues and be more effective in all your relationships.

Here’s a brief overview of the similarities and how they correspond to each other (the language of giving and receiving can be different for some):

Priest - physical touch. A Priest is less physically oriented, so touch brings them into their body from the realms of spirit and energy where they prefer to hang out.

Lover - quality time. Naturally, a Lover likes all these indications of love; but quality time, where they are getting the attention they desire, is a must.

Gardener - receiving gifts. A Gardener loves to give gifts, which is a sure indicator that they want you to reciprocate in some way (look for clues in their other main energy type.)

Warrior - acts of service. A Warrior is sure you know how they feel by how they act! Their loyalty and support is unquestioned (and unspoken.)

Royal - words of affirmation. Royals have a hard time with emotion, so they prefer being precise and attentive with their words.

In Energy Signatures, our core beliefs and the resulting experiences and patterns arise from our basic need to be loved.

Why am I so enchanted by Energy Signatures? I’ve been testing, expanding, teaching and writing about it for years, because there is much more to it than communication. It’s a model that indicates physical form, strengths and weaknesses; those core beliefs driving behavior; communication styles; patterns around conflict; and it highlights your talents and gifts. It speaks to your whole being, a roadmap on how to be the best version of you.

I'm often asked if Energy Signatures equate to astrology, enneagrams, the Ayurvedic doshas, the Meyers-Briggs and other tests and types. The answer is sorta kinda! There are some similarities, but these other models often have 3, 5, 9, or 12 types alone or in combination - so it’s never a straight across match. That said, you can compare them and see some general correlations.

I find these models are less comprehensive than Energy Signatures. Some relate more to the physical body and general energetic qualities, and the most popular describe the personality and psyche. All have a singular perspective - if it’s helpful to you, use it!

Ultimately we are each unique and complex individuals once you get beyond the surface. These models can help us begin to unravel some of the underlying dynamics behind who we are and why we do what we do! It’s a great unending mystery, this human experience.

Peace, love and healing -


What is your Energy Signature, and how does that speak to your “love language(s)”? Take the quiz and find out!

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