What is it about fall? Activity is winding down from summer, yet it's exciting. It’s a time of connection, celebration and reflection. Clearly a transition, this is when we also acknowledge one of the biggest transitions - from life to death.
Did you know that half of Americans now believe they are living with ghosts? That is a big change. Our European counterparts have been living with ghosts for centuries. What does dealing with a ghost entail?
Many people have made peace with the ghosts in their home, whether out of necessity - no chance they will move! - or feeling the spirit is a benevolent presence. It's true (although not common) that they can follow you from one home to another. It could be because they are actually ancestors of yours, or maybe you are fascinated and continue to invite them in.
Then there are the less desirable guests!
Why do some continue to linger after they have died? There are many reasons; being disoriented (especially after a sudden death) and missing the window to move on; being attached to a person or place and not wanting to leave; or having a particular issue to resolve before fully transitioning.
I have done many “ghost-bustings” over the years. It’s just one part of a land or building clearing. The other aspects are the land energies inherent on the property, trapped energy from past events, or recent human activity that is negative and disruptive.
In all cases, Soul Dialog is critical to a successful ghost-busting. If you can’t find out why a spirit is there, how will you know what to do to help? I really do consider all work I do to be of a healing nature. In the case of displaced souls, I am working for a happy result for all involved, living and dead!
Once I was called to a farm (owned by a white rancher) on a Native reservation, because the soil looked like a moonscape and was unproductive. Then the rancher hit something that stalled the tractor and broke the plow. When he checked, nothing was there! He consulted with a Native elder, who thought it had to do with a particularly angry (and deceased) tribal member.
When I arrived, I encountered a very intimidating group of Native American warriors; the leader declared it was their land and they were protecting it. I acknowledged their role, but also noted the sorry state of the land. I asked if there was another way to be guardians of the land and still let it thrive. They discussed it among themselves, and then I saw them - one by one - dissipate in a flicker of flame, gathering into an energy form (called a land deva) above the property.
After that, the land grew more hay for the livestock and wildlife than anyone could remember. People would stop and ask the rancher what fertilizer he had used! The (living) Native American elder appreciated the respectful effort and congratulated him on the result.
So whatever interaction you may have with the “other side” or wandering spirits, remember to have a conversation! In Ireland there’s a tradition called the “Dumb Supper.” A feast is put out for recently passed relatives, while the living catch them up on all the latest family news. Like All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day and the Mexican Day of the Dead, it's a tribute to those who have gone before us.
Happy communing!
Peace, love and healing -
Want to read another ghost story from Bear's blog? Click here: https://www.bearmckay.com/blog/alarming-news
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