Bear's Blog

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Signs You’ve Had a Past Life

Aug 15, 2024

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You may not believe in past lives, but when your time comes to transition to the other side you’ll surely be enlightened on the matter! Some won’t need to rely on faith that it’s true; direct experience proves the bigger picture. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of evidence available to a non-believer who is paying attention. Some signs are called déjà-vu; a feeling of something that has come before. Evoked by a place, a sound, a smell, or any kind of sensation, it feels like a memory. 

Depending on the emotion it elicits, it can mean many things. Have you ever seen someone from a distance whom you’ve never met, and felt an instant connection? There’s some past life history there to be sure; what we do with it is up to us. Before arriving on the earth plane once again, you can even agree in advance with someone to meet in this life! Lessons learned from those and other past-life encounters can benefit both people on their path of destiny. 

Human experiences are the basis for soul evolution. We can gain social and emotional intelligence, skills mastery and engage in spiritual practice - and we get to take that growth with us when we “die”! We also carry over difficult issues and relationships to resolve over lifetimes. This may cause consternation for some, as they just want to “get it right” and reach the end goal (nirvana? heaven?) Reaching “a” goal is not how it goes, as soul evolution is not necessarily linear. We may make progress in one area, but there will still be other areas to attend to. 

A never-ending cycle? A client of mine was discouraged about working on the same issue for three years. I tried to put it in context - “it could be 3 lifetimes!” That made me curious, and I asked my guides how many lives the average person has lived. The answer was 250,000! Whether you think you are above or below the average, that is a LOT of lifetimes to work things out. 

The first time I walked into a Zen temple as a teen - and it’s odd why was I even there, a mid-western, small-town girl - it was very familiar. I came to understand I’ve had many lifetimes in that setting. I also realized that Zen practice could be cultivated over several lifetimes. Before that, when understanding a past life dynamic, I always decided to choose something different this go-round. A rookie mistake! Just ask Mozart… 

Buddha apparently recalled all of his previous lifetimes meditating under the Bodhi tree, and I‘ve read of other highly evolved people who have access to vast catalogs of past life memories. What is interesting to me, a mere mortal, is the selective memory I have of past lives. For the longest time I could only remember lives in male societies as a soldier or a monk. Even more surprising is that my Energy Signature is Warrior/Priest! I finally realized that was no coincidence. All those lives are concerned with particular characteristics or issues for me to work with this time around.

What does your Energy Signature say about your strengths, and areas that need attention? It can be a key to understanding your personal history in the long haul.

Peace, love and healing -


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