We’re a quarter of the way into the 21st century! Sometimes things go fast (when the economy crashed in the fall of 2008) and slow (Covid, 2020-2022 and beyond). At the beginning of 2000 there were concerns that computers would go haywire and the world would end (Y2K!). Moving forward there will be plenty to track and be concerned about, but the first and most important is attending to ourselves. The thing that will keep us sane in all the turbulence is our own inner stability and endurance.
Personal and spiritual growth is essential to keeping our spirits up (also called consciousness raising!) That is different from spiritual bypassing; as in “don’t worry, be happy - everything is perfect just as it is.” That IS true in a transcendental context; the ultimate perspective of oneness. Yet we exist on multiple levels, including the dualistic world of form and materiality. I believe it’s important to engage in all these arenas to reap the benefits of this human life. I’ll be writing about energy, spirit and healing more directly this year, including my “Transcendental Donut” model of reality.
I’ll also be offering healing transmissions. These have become more popular as so many are overwhelmed and exhausted. It’s a way to receive healing passively, without effort. This type of group healing is unbound by 4D constraints of time and space. It impacts each person a bit differently because it’s a non-specific modality - not tailored to an individual. Its effectiveness is also relative to the level of consciousness of the healer. I plan to do live calls to hear your thoughts and experiences with the models, exercises, and techniques I’ve presented. Of course there are classes, both online and in-person, for those who are called to study more directly with me.
As always I’ll write about ways to strengthen our connection with earth energies and keep you abreast of cosmological influences. For a few days at the end of the year there were huge spikes in geomagnetic activity, with a G5 storm - the highest rating - for an hour on January 1st! It’s interesting that the radiation pours in through openings at the north and south poles, creating a torus pattern that affects the earth beyond the crust, the mantle and even into the core (possibly initiating more volcanic activity.) It’s unusual because there’s increased solar activity during the equinoxes, with much less at solstices like now. These “energy loading periods” are stressful on the body, spiking cortisol and activating the sympathetic nervous system.
I like the metaphor of keeping your head above the water. It indicates a precarious situation, a struggle, demanding hard work underneath the surface. Yet that medium is water, the stuff we came from and still are mostly made of. Let’s bring that feeling of ease into our effort to stay afloat, focussing on the vast horizon ahead and paddling bravely into the unknown! There are big questions about the future of our country, humankind and the planet itself. Too big to comprehend as individuals. We can contribute to the world wide web of consciousness as we co-create the future with all living (and loving) beings.
Peace, love and healing -
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