Eclipses bring forward situations and circumstances related to what needs to transform and evolve. They always come in pairs - first the lunar eclipse, then two weeks later the solar eclipse. This year, as in the spring, the eclipses coincide with the equinox! The 2024 Dragon year supercharges it all, catapulting us into the future. I have personally experienced the eclipse window as a time when there are unexpected opportunities or choices to be made about a significant change in direction.
A lunar eclipse in Pisces happened on September 17th - and it was also a “supermoon", when the full moon appears larger because it’s as close to the Earth as it gets. The solar eclipse and new moon in Virgo happens on Oct 2nd. The fall equinox is on September 20th, in between the eclipses. Having these three events in such close proximity exponentially increases their effects. What will come up for you at this time?
We are entering a two-year period of eclipses on the Virgo/Pisces axis. These energies are contradictory, and complimentary - a paradox. Remember paradox is holding two different and seemingly opposite things as both being true. The organized, earthy, hard-working Virgo is paired with the dreamy, intuitive, expansive Pisces. The goal here is the balance between the two - to dedicate yourself to taking action toward your deeply held dreams, bringing together heaven and Earth.
During an Equinox the Earth’s ionosphere literally changes its shape, creating huge gaps in which the solar energy streams in directly to the planet. This is a classic definition of a portal! This huge portal is thought to transmit light codes that adjust our circadian rhythm and support our growth and development over the next 6 months. It’s designed to attune our nervous system to that of the Earth. Your hormones, metabolic set points (whether you burn or store calories as fat), nervous system balance, immune system health, heart, and more, all depend on this. We literally have a summer physiology and a winter physiology, with very different physical AND spiritual needs and purposes.
All the special characteristics of this celestial trilogy are a powerful recipe to bring about change and transformation. This year in particular is a launching pad for a breakthrough in both our personal and collective evolution. While I’m not an astrologer, I do take notice and feel these bigger energies that envelope and affect us. When years ago I saw clients and students experiencing the same dynamics I realized it’s not just about me! We and the Earth are held and moved by cosmic energies on a grander scale than we can imagine.
Peace, love and healing -
For more background on this subject, see my previous blogs; start with “An Energetic Trilogy” from March 21st (the spring eclipses/equinox) and read forward to appreciate just what a powerful year this has been!
Thanks to Azra Bertrand for his “bio-magical” teachings!
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