More energy comes from the sun during Spring Equinox than any other time of year. The ionosphere elongates and creates wider openings at the north and south poles to receive this energy. The poles are entry points for circles of energy that revolve around earth’s axis in a torus. We’re also receiving the sun’s energy at the surface. Down through our crown and up from the earth; both humans and the planet are cycling energy in the shape of a torus. The Fountain exercise enhances that flow for us.
At equinoxes the sun emits energy that changes our biology for the next 6 months. It resets our relationship to light and darkness; circadian rhythms that affect every aspect of our physiology. It’s also transmitting evolutionary codes of light. Every equinox is unique, with a different configuration of planets and influences. This year, March 12th through the 24th, there are four Cazimis* - when a planet is in direct alignment with the sun. In this brief but potent time, the qualities of a planet are supercharged. It’s thought to initiate a blazing entry into a new cycle.
Spring Equinox has been acknowledged and honored for thousands of years across the globe. Many monuments - “eclipse calculators” - have been built. A famous one is the Chichen Itza pyramid in Mexico. A "serpent" of light/energy descends the stairs to earth, marking the exact day. The serpent is associated with equinox - a shedding of the old skin into a shimmering new creation. We are in the Year of the Snake, which accelerates an already mind-boggling year!
Humans are an energetic conduit between earth and sky. Currently I see our main challenge as INTEGRATION. Not just reaching a higher vibration, but integration to utilize, embody, and sustain a higher frequency. This is what we will be doing in my Jumpstart Foundations class in June - one exercise at a time, building up to an inspiring perceptual shift. It’s an accelerated route to sense, ground, integrate, and enlarge your capacity to hold these energies.
Answer the call, in ways big and small! Here’s an Equinox practice to start with:
The Fountain
✨ Align your Hara.
✨ In-breath: Slowly sweeping your arms up, bring earth energy in from your feet, up through your entire body and then out your crown.
✨ Out-breath: Drawing your arms down, let the sun’s energy above your head cascade down and fill your auric field.
This is simple and yet powerful, especially when done for just 5 minutes at dawn and/or dusk - but anytime is good!
You can also do what I call the "Reverse Fountain". Bringing the energy in from the crown, through the body, then up and around the auric field. This puts more emphasis on grounding.
Our energetic physiology is a torus. Your midline contains the Hara, the central chakra channel, and the spinal cord. This is your “axis”. The metaphorical serpent descends from the head in the north to the tail in the south - in your body, and the earth’s magnetic poles!
To accept new frequencies our energy field must be fully charged. Do this exercise, and rest when you need to. This past week I’ve been experiencing unique changes to my physiology and energetic configuration, interspersed with the need for periods of rest and restoration.
This year the Spring Equinox occurs exactly halfway between the eclipses. The Equinox, the eclipses, the cazimis and solar maximum are ALL amplifiers of electromagnetic energy. These alignments increase solar flares, geomagnetic storms and solar winds. Pumping extra energy into the earth's magnetic field affects weather patterns, our bodies and brains!
The Latin “equ” is the root of many words, like equal; equinox means equal (day and) night. Equanimity is a state of psychological stability and composure, undisturbed by emotions, pain, and other phenomena. Let’s work to steady ourselves, which will also help others. We are experiencing the chaos of destruction and creation… and we're in the early stages of that metamorphosis.
Peace, love and healing -
*Cazimis - Saturn, March 12th; Neptune, March 20th; Venus, March 23rd; Mercury, March 24th.
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