Bear's Blog

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The Fifth Dimension

Sep 26, 2024

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Planetary events like equinoxes, solstices, eclipses and various constellations peak at optimal alignment at a certain moment. Yet these big energies affect us over a longer period of time. Constellations in our personal astrological chart can be energetic influences for months or years! The main cosmic events have the strongest impact a week before and after it "happens". We can take advantage of that two-week portal when the strongest energies are being transmitted. Why is this so important?

The equinoxes actually shift our circadian rhythm. The pineal is the master endocrine gland located in the middle of our head, and also the root of the 6th and 7th chakras. It’s our internal clock, sensitive to light and darkness and responsible for re-setting our “chronobiology” for the next six months. A series of cascading effects are put in motion across all our anatomical and physiological systems to reflect organic time. The pineal is also a bridge between body and spirit, and is a “door of perception” linked to its production of the molecule DMT.

Humankind is oriented to these celestial events. It’s not only us, but all life forms on the planet that receive these seasonal signals. Bathed in this transformative electromagnetic field we evolve through time along with plants, animals, and the planet. Does this coded information also change and evolve? Beyond an attunement to the planetary season, it could also be activating a revolution in human development. The pineal is considered the seat of consciousness. Are we being prepared to operate in a fifth dimensional reality?

Our nervous systems are trying to catch up with the technological age and the mutability of time and space. Cosmic electromagnetic portals can nourish your body and regenerate the nervous system. The 4th dimension describes space and time as linear, so with the internet we are already being acculturated to the ”inner-web” of the fifth dimension!  We can connect and take an action anytime, anywhere around the globe. Healers have always traveled alternate timelines for our clients, moving in and out of other dimensions with intention. We gather information and can change outcomes with our observations and interactions.

The fifth dimension is thought to be a continuous experience of the potentiality of reality, and we all need to develop the skill to navigate it. We are, in fact, transdimensional beings. So what happens if you get “stuck” in the 4th dimension while many others “ascend” to the fifth dimension? The 5th dimension is a unifying factor in consciousness. If what you experience depends on your point of reference, you’ll be limited in your awareness in the 4th dimension but not excluded. From the perspective of the fifth all space and time events exist simultaneously and everything is connected.

It’s a lot to hold at the moment! One healer believes this process started in 2012 and will continue through 2032. We are at the midpoint, and there are current critical choices about the future. Support war or peace? Love or hate? Healing or dis-ease? It’s up to us to co-create the world we want to live in.

Peace, love and healing -


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