Bear's Blog

beautiful jungle beach lagoon view with a jaguar, palm trees and tropical leaves

A Jungle Heart

Jun 06, 2024

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In the mind-body-spirit vernacular, the “mind” is a combination of the psychological and emotional. The Chinese have a character for heart-mind; one symbol that embodies both. Not all my clients have physical issues but come for other aspects of healing. I always work with the entirety of each individual I see, but this case had a heart-mind focus. What’s most interesting about it is how the progression of his healing was reflected in what I call Soul Dialog, a deep form of communication.

Surya: Overcoming Childhood Trauma

He had very strong emotions which he deemed inappropriate and was afraid to express. Not feeling safe and holding in emotion created a lot of fear and anxiety. He was easily triggered. Physically he felt tense and had restless legs. An accomplished engineer, he had also just finished an MA in Counseling Psychology. His interests in alternative practices led him to somatic psychotherapy training and plant medicine work.

Physically his diet, exercise and sleep were decent. His Energy Signature was Royal/Priest, which explained his career choices! Royals are organized, analytical and detail oriented. His 3rd chakra (the rational mind) was overactive, and he was running on mental energy. His Priest patterning was reflected in his interest in psychology, energy and spiritual pursuits.

Growing up in southern India he had been lonely and frightened. His mother was fierce and beat him daily. His grandparents and high achieving older sister didn’t intercede or comfort him. His father, an engineer, was in and out of his life. He told me “all my memories are colored with despair.” Good at math, his life changed when he went into an elite engineering school at age 13. When he was 23 he moved to the US for graduate school and never went back.

He had difficulty in relationships and hadn’t dated until his late 20’s, leaving relationships if he felt criticized because of his belief that he had to “do things right”. He had little sexual desire, and when he did anger would come up too. Both the Priest and Royal patterns have a less active 2nd chakra, the seat of emotion AND sexuality. His 5th chakra was constricted; his throat was tight and he had trouble verbalizing. His 4th chakra (the heart) was guarded and confused due to his upbringing.

In Soul Dialog he initially appeared as a young boy in the jungle. He took me from a pond to a river then down to the ocean, telling me “if you go in you will die” (in real life he had a fear of water.) I asked him if he wanted to build anything - “Can I?” Excited, he went to work building a bridge over the river.

In sessions, his chakra baseline was slowly improving, but his level of anxiety and tension were still quite high.

In Soul Dialog he began to play, running through the jungle freely and fishing off the bridge.

His company laid off a third of the engineers, including him. His feelings of not being good enough returned. His 3rd chakra was overstimulated and wobbly which attested to his anxiety and lack of confidence.

In Soul Dialog he was serious, sitting at a campfire. He “needs to feel safe out there.” His mother shows up; he wants to love her but can’t connect and only feels grief. I hold him and his heart begins to open.

In our sessions I often did an energy liver release - the liver not only cleanses our blood, but also emotions. It’s not unusual for past lives to be held there as well.

In Soul Dialog (he's now around age seven) energy surrounds him and drags him underwater, drowning him. I grab him by the neck and bring him to the surface.

He was dating a woman but felt male energy was “bad”, although he was desperate for affection. When I worked on his endocrine system I released a fight/flight connection between his testicles and adrenal glands.

In Soul Dialog there were shadowy fish in the pond; I asked "can you talk to the fish?" Surprised, he said he would think about it.

He told his parents he was moving in with his girlfriend; they were critical and didn’t even ask her name. I looked at “cording” - relational energy connections - with his mother. It was unusual as it even went down his legs and out his feet. I heard he “didn’t have a leg to stand on.” As I removed the cording his legs filled with energy.

Life was challenging; his car was stolen, and his girlfriend wanted to discuss marriage and children. He was starting his “practicum”, seeing clients under supervision for his professional license. His chakra system regressed; feet pushing out energy, 1st and 2nd chakras low and destabilized, heart and throat constricted. I helped integrate the connection between the “feeling” chakras (2 and 4) and opened up his sacrum, pelvis and hips.

In Soul Dialog he was a young teen now. He proudly showed me a rope between trees that was strung with big silver fish. He had a hut on the other side of the bridge now.

He was fighting with his girlfriend. They needed to find neutral territory to stay connected, as neither of their families (Hindu and Jewish) were accepting of their relationship. We did some boundary work and he began talking to his parents again, proposed to his girlfriend and was open to having a child. He was excited about his work with clients.

In Soul Dialog he was laying on the ground looking up, pondering… the sky was filled with brightly colored birds.

Finishing his practicum and going to couples counseling with his fiancé felt good. They had a wedding with their friends in California. He visited his parents in India with his wife, now pregnant! He was a professional therapist, seeing clients and working part time as an engineer.

In Soul Dialog he’s a young man in the jungle, in a tree watching the birds fly around. Life is full of possibilities now.

Working together over two years, he had created the life he wanted. I monitored and still did some energy tweaking for awhile, but he had no big setbacks. After his daughter was born, both families came around; they took baby Mira to India when she was seven months old.


Although I call it Soul Dialog, sometimes there is no speech; I see them in an activity which gives me a sense of what's going on. There can be dialog of course, and also interaction and prompting from me. This is the same way I communicate with animals, plants, spirits, and land devas… thought forms are energy! There are differences in how information is transmitted, but we are all connected through energy.

Peace, love and healing -


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