Those in the “spiritual not religious” category often refer to guidance. It is defined as “advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority.” This authority can be an embodied person – a spiritual guru, a personal development teacher - anyone who helps you to learn and grow. In AA they have sponsors to help guide newcomers and support their ongoing program. It could even be a therapist or coach. We all need support! Hopefully we will have many influential teachers in our lives along the way.
One powerful aspect of working with a teacher is the importance of the “witness” dynamic. For some reason, having another human being listen – with their full attention and presence – is very helpful and even healing. This is beneficial even when not directly concerned with deep or spiritual issues.
My first teacher, Della Keats, Inuit Healer
There is another kind of guidance, which comes from the spirit world. This can be experienced in a specific energy form such as a guide or angel, or just as a voice or an intuitive “knowing”. Native Americans received guidance from the total environment – animals, the way the wind or water moved, land devas, plants (and let’s not forget plant medicine). They were totally “plugged in” to what natural, and supernatural, spirit had to communicate.
The subject of guidance from spirit is a big one. Yes, we do have guides that are with us from birth - but they don’t often directly intervene in our lives, and we don’t interact much with them. Other guides come and go in your life, just like any other kind of relationship! I find a particular guide with certain expertise or attributes will come to me when I have that need in my life. I have even seen a family member that has passed serve in this way for a loved one – typically for a period of time, after which they move forward in their own “life after life” journey.
For example, I had a very loving and nurturing angel come forward as I was going through my divorce. I also had legal and courtroom assistance from another guide at that time! When the need is no longer pressing, they tend to revert to the background. I can still call on them at any time, but it’s like a friend that you don’t talk to much anymore after you move (on). Taking advantage of this source of guidance is a skill, and there are so many energy beings who want to help us! Cultivating your ability to be more aware of energetic guidance just takes practice.
Back to the importance of a physical teacher. Although I call on all forms of guidance, I’m big on integration of the energy worlds with our very material, worldly lives. This mitigates the danger of what is called “spiritual bypassing” – using spirituality to sidestep or avoid unresolved psychological or emotional wounds. A spiritual teacher or adviser in human form won’t let you off the hook!
So if you are “spiritual not religious” remember the 3 elements that are essential to your spiritual growth and understanding – a practice, a community, and a teacher. From this holistic perspective and experience, your spiritual development will be supported in the best way.
Peace, love and healing -
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