Once a year a cosmic corridor opens as the sun passes directly across the center of the Milky Way. High energy particles stream out from the galactic center - a massive black hole - into the ionosphere. This supercharged gateway is happening between December 12th and 21st, peaking mid-way.
Astrologically this window of time coincides with a Venus-Mars opposition (12-12), the full moon (12-15) and the winter solstice (12-21). This year is an especially powerful time as we are at solar maximum.
The intensity on the earth plane these days is a reflection of the intensity of the stars. Our star in particular; the sun has been at solar maximum this past year. That will continue into 2025, the peak of the 11-year solar cycle. Solar maximum can be agitating and destabilizing. The high level of radiation creates geomagnetic storms and surges in earth’s field. The energy overload and instability is challenging, making people a little crazy.
Sunspots grow and erupt into solar flares. 2024 saw the biggest solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in 500 years. It's why the Aurora Borealis was so strong and seen outside its normal range. We’ve also had 3 supermoons since August, when the moon is closest to the earth (reflecting the sun’s outsized brilliance).
The sun’s rays are primarily in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums; the galactic center is the strongest emitter of X Rays and gamma rays. Together they create a fuller vibrational spectrum. This alignment is called a corridor because some of the galactic rays permeate the ionosphere and directly affect us. Gamma rays can be destructive; they don’t bend in an electromagnetic field and break down molecular bonds.
When we look at the sun during this time we’ll be receiving a small dose of gamma-ray photons. The sun, at its peak of activity right now, blocks them to some degree. Solar maximum will last another year or so as it winds down. Solar minimum (when the sun is at its lowest level of activity) will be in 2030-2032. The galactic emissions hitting us then will be even more pronounced. We can start attuning our physiologies to these higher frequencies now, in preparation for solar minimum.
Take advantage of the current flow of gamma to foster a greater connection to the unified field - which is beyond our current understanding of consciousness and reality! Have some fun with it on the earth plane. Create a ritual invitation to this energy on the 12th, and a closing ritual on the 21st.
We are being curated to up our vibrational capacity. The challenge is to stay grounded in the process and respect the body’s capacity to integrate. We are literally of the earth. Inhabit your daily practices; steady the mind and move with the circadian rhythms, in concert with all life on the planet. We look to the stars to bring a cosmic perspective down to earth.
Peace, love and healing -
Thanks to NOAA, NASA, various astrologers and Stefan Burns - "The Space Weatherman"
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