Many spiritual models contain a threesome! - three aspects of the divine. Usually at its heart is “oneness”. It’s called the transcendent in Indian philosophy, although it's not a matter of ascending upward as much as expanding from within. That’s what the sayings “God is within you” and “every person has Buddha-nature” point to. Some believe God is contained in the human soul, or that oneness is found in everything. My model, or way of looking at reality, works for ALL those perspectives.
I like to introduce playfulness into serious, even important subjects, so here’s my take on the Big Three. I call it The Transcendental Donut. It’s a very simple, flexible model of reality that provides a context for working in the energy realms and anything else you might encounter! Here are the 3 Realms, or parts of the Donut:
The Transcendent
The center of the donut may look empty, but it's spaciousness. Without the center, it’s not a donut! The essence of oneness goes by many names; God, pure consciousness, spirit, the divine. It’s the ultimate reality that underlies everything.
The Energy Realms
That’s where it really starts; the yeast incorporates space into the dough, and creation begins!
Once you move out of the Transcendent, form arises along with duality. The first forms are sound (the Vedic seed syllables or the Word in the Bible). Sound – frequency – is a simple waveform. Forms become denser and increasingly complex within the energy realms. The variety of forms is infinite!
The energy realms have been called Maya, or illusion, not because they are less real but because they are fluid and changeable. To think that a particular form is the ultimate reality will get you into trouble because it’s relative and constantly shifting. It’s easy to get lost or distracted in the energy realms; that’s why it is important to understand the Transcendent is the ultimate underlying reality. This doesn’t mean everything else is unimportant - it’s all important. Being grounded in the Transcendent creates a healthy perspective and relationship with relative form.
The Physical Realm
So delicious! What’s your favorite topping? So many flavors, colors, textures, and kinds of frosting! Although more superficial, it largely defines our individual preferences. It’s pleasurable and satisfies our unique experience.
The boundary between energy realms and the physical is artificial, because the physical is merely the densest energy realm. It’s also in constant flux. Matter becomes energy, energy becomes matter; this dynamic process is happening every second in our bodies, and in every other form (albeit at different rates of change – rocks are much slower!)
The physical realm is the lowest common denominator – what we can all mostly agree upon – and acts as a consensus for us to function. However, if you believe the physical is the ultimate reality you are living in a very small perceptual box. People who ignore physical reality to be “spiritual” are also limited. The physical is just as important to this life as other energy forms.
Understanding that the Transcendent underlies everything informs our activity in the relative world. As we expand our awareness, we have less attachment to form. We respond rather than react. In meditation and other states of Being we cultivate a deeper relationship with the Transcendent.
The Gingerbread Person
The Transcendental Donut model also can be applied to us individually!
The aspect of ourselves that’s most closely related to the Transcendent is our soul body. Located in the solar plexus area, 4-6” in diameter, it’s our most essential form. It’s what we come in with when we are born and what we leave with when we die. When we meditate we’re allowing this part of ourselves to come forward, as we are mostly engaged with the physical as we move through our days.
From the soul level arises all our various energy bodies and energetic forms like chakras and the auric field. Being relative, they are variable and always changing. Our energy bodies are not generated by our physical form, but by our seminal soul body.
The physical is our densest energy body, the one that is visible to the average person. It's possible to learn how to sense energy forms, including those aspects of our physiology, directly. It’s an innate, natural talent we need to claim!
Peace, love and healing -
Want to explore and expand your ability to sense energy forms? Tap into the Transcendent and activate your true purpose? There's so much more going on than what the (physical) eye can see! Join me and a group of fellow pioneers to explore and expand our consciousness
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