Since Ukraine was invaded a year ago I, like so many, are mesmerized by this unfolding catastrophe. The worst of human impulses - anger, grievance, control, power, greed - has been met with courage, resilience, sacrifice, creativity and unity.
All are manifestations of the base emotions, love and hate. These polar opposites are in play because we live in the dualistic world of form. Yet we also have a foothold in the oneness - the absolute oneness, where there is no form and dramas don’t exist.
That "foothold" within can lead us toward a way to be with our human suffering. We are here for a reason - or reasons - that extend beyond this lifetime. Yet for this particular life, whatever is happening is the practice to expand upon our innate divinity.
The material and psychic cost of this battle is hard to comprehend. Along with human lives, so many other living creatures have been lost. The earth is a toxic minefield, defiled and contaminated by the armament of war. Irreplaceable treasures of art and architecture are being destroyed. Whole villages are now empty piles of rubble. Families are separated; mothers and children have fled to safety, and other children have been kidnapped by Russia. Ordinary citizens are now soldiers - fighting for their lives, their families, their country and for people beyond Ukraine's borders.
The world has responded generously to support democracy, independence and sovereign integrity. Beyond idealistic ideals the impact of this aggression is felt in very real ways. Losing Russian energy sources, people are cold. Hungry for the remaining fruits of Ukraine’s once fertile farmland, people are starving. With the threat of nuclear war, people are fearful for their safety (the Netherlands government was dispensing iodine, for radiation poisoning, in the early days of war.)
Historically, this assault puts more karmic salt into old wounds. Catherine the Great of Russia “annexed” Crimea in 1783, and the campaign to repress Ukrainian language and culture continued through the 1800’s. Ukraine was divided up between four countries after WWl. Stalin starved 4 million Ukrainians (the “Holodomor”) to discourage Ukraine independence in 1932. In WWII Nazis invaded Ukraine; it was one of the countries most devastated by that war. Today's war is about Ukraine aligning with the West instead of Russia. Ironically, it has accelerated that process.
All over the world, countries have similar histories of centuries old conflicts; the results of migration, conquering armies and artificially divvying up the spoils of war. This invasion will be another layer, held for generations to come.
Each one of us is a unique culmination of human history, originating from different times and places. These threads run deep, and while we can’t change them we can contribute to their healing. That is our calling.
You may have done some healing of your own ancestral (biological) karma, as well as past lives (soul karma). I’m sure my many lifetimes in a monastic setting were payback for the harm I caused in my warrior lives. Today, in our daily lives we have a personal impact on this world of duality and form. We also affect greater energy fields - even the entire field of human consciousness.
We must work to heal as individuals; to be a healing influence on our families, our neighbors and the world. To use whatever means available to us to heal ancestral wounds. We cannot heal alone; our efforts, prayers and dedication to love must include the Russians. We can’t leave out or amputate a country or a people and still elevate human consciousness. No one can be left behind.
We are one, and we are as one.
Peace, love and healing -
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