Bear's Blog

colorful mandala art chalk yantra on the street

What’s Art Got to Do with It?

Aug 08, 2024

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Let’s wal(t)z into August, traditionally when many take a summer vacation. Whether you are going somewhere or staying at home, hopefully you’re finding time to play - or at least enjoying a more relaxed schedule. You can take a cue from others, especially the kids who are enjoying more freedom and unstructured time right now. Although many of us are already anticipating an action-packed fall, let’s take deep breath and – pace ourselves!

There is a lot of chalk action in my neighborhood these days, which is fun and reminded me of my visit to India. The matriarch of a household would draw a chalk “yantra”, a kind of Hindu mandala, in front of their homes every morning to invite in good fortune. They would also do more free-form versions, usually based on traditional designs and in color instead of white chalk.

I took the picture above when a woman was almost finished with hers (but was too shy to let me photograph her). Flower petals were going to be the final touch. This is also a way to get outside and maybe interact with your neighbors. It’s a conversation starter, or maybe getting out with your chalk is a way to create some quality time for yourself.

Another similar respite, and one you can do indoors, is coloring books. Mandala coloring books are popular and recommended for stress relief. You can find many online to print out or order. Along the same lines is zentangles — doodling with intention. It’s a great way to take a break and still be engaged. My mother was into drawing Zentangles, so I asked her to do the animals of the Chinese astrological signs. All of these activities, indoors or outside, give your brain a time out. The biggest decision to make can be what color to use next!

Some kids did a hopscotch layout on the sidewalk a few days ago, and I tried my hand (or feet) at it, only to discover — I had forgotten what to do. And although I can still skip and hop with the best of them, I had to google “hopscotch” when I got home. The internet is a great resource that we have come to appreciate and depend on. With AI we are seeing even more opportunites — while at the same time understanding its limitations and wondering about it's implications for the future.

And speaking of Google, here’s a plug for Wikipedia — unlike Google, they are non-profit and only exist to serve us. It is so helpful when I need to look up health conditions for my clients or do research for this blog! Even $1 a month helps them in their mission:

Be well, and take it slow!

Peace, love and healing -


PS. — I love your feedback — it keeps me inspired!

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