Bear's Blog

The Trinity Apr 13, 2023

The Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Mother, Daughter?) challenges modern theologians struggling to equate the three as equal. The current thinking is all three share a substance (“consubstantial”). They are equal, yet also individualized forms of the divine.

The phrase mind-body-spirit is a catchall term meant to imply that these seemingly separate parts of ourselves are intimately connected. In the religious context, not only are they “connected” but they ...

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Chakras and Energy Metabolism Feb 16, 2023

I recently wrote about how your chakra baseline relates to your Energy Signature. Aside from contextual variations, this baseline is fairly consistent. I call this overall energetic dynamic of the chakra system a person's “energy metabolism”.

Each chakra has individual characteristics that are affected by the volume of energy it takes in. So first let’s examine each one,  and how the amount of energy moving through it can impact us emotionally, intellectually and...

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The Energy of the Moment Nov 17, 2022

It’s been a tumultuous few weeks (that eclipse window!) but I’m welcoming a little lighter energy in general, punctuated by hopefulness. Even so, there have been lots of twists and turns - from dread to elation, fear, surprise, disgust, pride and denial - and that's just the last 3 days!

These influences are best navigated moment to moment. We have a certain amount of control in this flux, like steering through waters that can be smooth, rocky, or have challenging currents.

We are...

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The “Eclipse Window” Effect Nov 03, 2022

There are big energies that affect us all - those of the moon, stars and planets! We can experience an intensification of energy around the full moon, and there is much anecdotal evidence (and legend) around it. If you’ve seen a total eclipse in person, you know it’s a profound experience - one that has mesmerized humans for centuries. Several times a year there is a two-week period bookended by eclipses; it’s known for the way it brings forth dynamic, unpredictable, and...

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The Exquisite Forms of Nature Aug 04, 2022

There are universal forms arising naturally that are evident in everything. Salt, sand, and other crystals have fixed, geometric structures. We use squares, rectangles, trapezoids, and triangles in our built environment for their stability.

Organic, biological forms are part of nature too. They are inherently dynamic, fluid and mutable. Waves, spirals, branching, expansion and contraction are in this category. All these patterns are evident in the human physiology and are utilized in energy...

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Santa Lives! Dec 03, 2021

Mid-winter celebrations have been going on around the world as long as history remembers. It could be an awfully dreary and depressing time of year without them (especially this year!) We socialize more, reaching out to family, friends, and the larger community. We are moved to volunteer and donate to help others, and everyone indulges in special foods and drink. We bring trees and lights into our homes; there are beautiful decorations everywhere you go. Familiar music abounds (like it or...

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