Bear's Blog

Into the Light of the Dark Black Night Mar 27, 2025

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We’re at the end of a tremendous influx of energy from our sun. The March 29th new moon supermoon solar eclipse is the final “bookend” of a 2-week eclipse window, with the Equinox at its center. This specific period is over, but it’s also a beginning. The new moon is in Aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac, full of fiery passion. At equinox light and dark are equal; now we move into a season of growth. We have received encoded light, a new initiation in our ongoing evolution.

The past week there...

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The Equinox and the Torus Mar 20, 2025

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More energy comes from the sun during Spring Equinox than any other time of year. The ionosphere elongates and creates wider openings at the north and south poles to receive this energy. The poles are entry points for circles of energy that revolve around earth’s axis in a torus. We’re also receiving the sun’s energy at the surface. Down through our crown and up from the earth; both humans and the planet are cycling energy in the shape of a torus. The Fountain exercise enhances that flow for u...

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Window of Opportunity! Mar 13, 2025

We have an unusual set of cosmic energies supercharging us this month. Today ushers in the beginning of a 2-week “eclipse window” - a bookend of energies between the full moon lunar and new moon solar eclipses. Planted right in the middle is the Spring Equinox, with its period of strongest influence within the eclipse window. Amplifying all of it is solar maximum. The sun is at peak activity in its 11 year cycle. Take advantage of this time to accelerate your spiritual growth!

There are significant astrological alignment...

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Stormy Weather Feb 27, 2025

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It’s true - you are the one living this big, fat, sassy, beautiful, complicated and challenging life. It’s yours to do with as you may. You can struggle, strive to maintain a sense of comfort, or meet life’s lessons to grow in wisdom and connection. Probably we do all these things, at different times in our lives! Yet the longing for spiritual wholeness and impetus to evolve is baked in, whether you answer the call or not. It’s coming from what underlies this body, mind and emotions; the soul....

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You're the One Feb 20, 2025

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We just celebrated love! It has many forms; personal, familial, societal, and the ultimate compassion for all. Lately I’ve been musing on romance. We can feel appreciation, responsibility, lust, empathy, and sweetness in love. Occasionally we feel the depth of love. Romance is extravagant, delicious, inspired, exhilarating. Romance doesn’t mess around, it’s all in. It’s sexy but ultimately it’s not about sex. It’s passion, which is energy!

What if your greatest romance was with your own life?...

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Love and Justice Feb 13, 2025

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My Valentine to readers every year highlights the chakras most related to love; personal, societal, and boundless love. Justice is love in the societal sphere.

For Chinese New Year I delved into the mythology related to the snake. The Norse myth Ragnarök is about a battle between gods and giants. Their final battle signals the end of the world, which is then submerged in water (that's where the snake comes in). It’s reborn with a few surviving humans and gods into a world without evil.

The f...

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The Transcendental Donut Feb 06, 2025

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Many spiritual models contain a threesome! - three aspects of the divine. Usually at its heart is “oneness”. It’s called the transcendent in Indian philosophy, although it's not a matter of ascending upward as much as expanding from within. That’s what the sayings “God is within you” and “every person has Buddha-nature” point to. Some believe God is contained in the human soul, or that oneness is found in everything. My model, or way of looking at reality, works for ALL those perspectives.

I ...

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The Little Dragon Jan 30, 2025

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In 2025, Chinese New Year celebrations are heralding the Year of the Wood Snake from January 29th through February 4th. The snake is also known as a “little dragon” - possessing supernatural powers and yet, still very much on the earth plane! Since ancient times they’ve been portrayed as mythical deities in cultures around the world. Powerful and dangerous, they are shape-shifters in real life. They represent duality at its most extreme - an embodiment of awe and the awful.

That duality is at...

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Power vs. Force Jan 23, 2025

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Power and force have similar traditional definitions but are not the same. Force is partial, power is whole. It’s a basic law of physics that force will always succumb to power; force creates a counter-force so it's automatically limited. Force is a movement, going from here to there. Power is still, a standing field that doesn't move. Force moves against something, power doesn't need to move against anything! How can we use these principles to navigate the current (U.S.) political situation?

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Timelines Jan 16, 2025

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The phrase “changing your timeline” is current language to reference healing a past wound, dynamic or belief - something that’s an obstacle to moving forward. In releasing the past, negative or unwanted influences are minimized. Creating a new timeline means being freed from limitations to access new possibilities. We can move forward, even take a new direction toward a desired outcome. Still, since we portray time as linear, it’s always forward - and about the past and the future.

We can emp...

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The Transformer Jan 09, 2025

We are affected to some degree by the weather. How much time we spend inside or outside depends on the temperature and precipitation. Our mood can reflect the sky - sunny or cloudy? Howling wind or calm breezes contribute to our state of mind. All are visible, tangible aspects of the environment. What we don’t see - but acutely feel - is the cosmic weather. Massive waves of solar energy continue to inundate the planet since last week. It creates energy surges which can disrupt our health.

I’ve been hearing from many who ...

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Ready or Not! Jan 05, 2025

We’re a quarter of the way into the 21st century! Sometimes things go fast (when the economy crashed in the fall of 2008) and slow (Covid, 2020-2022 and beyond). At the beginning of 2000 there were concerns that computers would go haywire and the world would end (Y2K!). Moving forward there will be plenty to track and be concerned about, but the first and most important is attending to ourselves. The thing that will keep us sane in all the turbulence is our own inner stability and endurance.

Personal and spiritual growth...

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