Bear's Blog

A Battle for Hearts and Minds Oct 03, 2024

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Understanding the Energy Signatures of the presidential candidates gives us an opportunity to reflect on how the dynamics of their energy types explain their behavior. There are “2 sides of the coin” to each energy type. The gifts and the challenges are at the far ends of a spectrum. The more you work through your challenges (cons), the more you will exhibit the “gifts” (pros) side of the equation. A defensive pattern – how you react when in conflict – is a challenge.

Donald Trump - Warrior-L...

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The Fifth Dimension Sep 26, 2024

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Planetary events like equinoxes, solstices, eclipses and various constellations peak at optimal alignment at a certain moment. Yet these big energies affect us over a longer period of time. Constellations in our personal astrological chart can be energetic influences for months or years! The main cosmic events have the strongest impact a week before and after it "happens". We can take advantage of that two-week portal when the strongest energies are being transmitted. Why is this so important?...

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Ready, Set - Grow! Sep 19, 2024

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Eclipses bring forward situations and circumstances related to what needs to transform and evolve. They always come in pairs - first the lunar eclipse, then two weeks later the solar eclipse. This year, as in the spring, the eclipses coincide with the equinox! The 2024 Dragon year supercharges it all, catapulting us into the future. I have personally experienced the eclipse window as a time when there are unexpected opportunities or choices to be made about a significant change in direction.

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Let it Flow! Sep 12, 2024

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Energy flows - more or less. So does water, and they move in similar ways. Contemplating our current state of affairs, iit's clear  money does too. When they flow freely, all are sustained; people are provided with a living wage, society thrives, and the earth is nourished in a reciprocal give and take. When the flow gets hindered or blocked problems arise. Systems become depleted when resources are not freely circulating. We can see the effects of this in all those areas.

Without enough food...

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Fly Your Flag Sep 05, 2024

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Symbols are powerful things. They are shorthand for what we believe in, and people have died for them - and what they symbolize - throughout history. National flags reflect those identities and values, and flags can also represent other self-defined groups. During Pride Month we see lots of flags in celebration of that community! Just recently the Democratic Party “reclaimed” the flag because it had become appropriated by Republicans as the symbol of their party - not the country as a whole.

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My Inspiration Aug 29, 2024

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I tracked her down in an Inuit village of about 3,000 people, north of the Arctic Circle on the Alaska coast. In Kotzebue everyone knows each other, and most are related somehow. Following their cues, I hopped in one of the few taxis (traveling even fewer dirt roads) and said, “Take me to Della’s house.” I arrived at the small house that was full of people watching TV, playing cards, cooking a meal. When I asked for Della they said she was visiting someone else, inviting me to stay and wait.

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Integration is Key Aug 22, 2024

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The brain loves novelty and the new; we are also enamored of growth. Yet growth without integration is fruitless. In nature there is the inhale and exhale, Being and Doing, growth and integration. If you learn something new without practicing, it becomes an interesting experience… memorable, perhaps insightful, but nothing in your life fundamentally changes. In order to embody a new awareness and start living it, we need to practice. So commit to learning AND practicing to truly move forward.

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Signs You’ve Had a Past Life Aug 15, 2024

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You may not believe in past lives, but when your time comes to transition to the other side you’ll surely be enlightened on the matter! Some won’t need to rely on faith that it’s true; direct experience proves the bigger picture. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of evidence available to a non-believer who is paying attention. Some signs are called déjà-vu; a feeling of something that has come before. Evoked by a place, a sound, a smell, or any kind of sensation, it feels like a memory. 

Depending on...

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What’s Art Got to Do with It? Aug 08, 2024

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Let’s wal(t)z into August, traditionally when many take a summer vacation. Whether you are going somewhere or staying at home, hopefully you’re finding time to play - or at least enjoying a more relaxed schedule. You can take a cue from others, especially the kids who are enjoying more freedom and unstructured time right now. Although many of us are already anticipating an action-packed fall, let’s take deep breath and – pace ourselves!

There is a lot of chalk action in my neighborhood these ...

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Love and Other Languages Aug 01, 2024

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The hugely popular book “The 5 Love Languages” is celebrated as a self-help phenomenon, still popular 30 years after its publication! It catalogs five different ways of expressing love - words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch. Why has it endured? It is basically about communication and addresses the most important aspect of our lives - the fundamental need to love and be loved. Does this model directly relate to Energy Signatures? And if so, how...

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Our National Brouhaha Jul 25, 2024

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I was going to do a series of relaxing, feel-good blogs for the summer, but the political sturm and drang have been disquieting. I’d still like to offer a break from all the drama! I invite you to dive into a few entertaining movies that illustrate other volatile moments in our body politic. All are fictional movies of actual events, and they give me perspective and hope at this particular time in American history. Maybe you think it’s never been this crazy, but take a look and see that it's n...

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A Reign of Terror? Jul 18, 2024

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There are two poles of human emotion - love and fear. Every other emotion is an iteration of those basic ones. Out of fear arises anger and its expression, violence; also greed, revenge, exploitation, and entitlement. Fear of survival is a basic instinct driving those impulses. We also have an instinct to love. To bond with another (as an infant does), to cooperate with others, to learn and grow and care. Those also contribute to our survival. We are hormonally hard-wired to seek connection.

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