Bear's Blog

Energy Fields, Personal and Collective Mar 20, 2020

Last time I wrote about the group energy field, and how a big contraction can affect us. Now I want to look at your home energy field – something we have more control over!

Hugge (hoo-ga) is derived from a Norwegian word for "well-being". It embodies feelings of comfort through enjoying the simple things in life. Relaxation, togetherness and appreciation are its hallmarks. With intention, and a look at what we build into the structure of our day, we can shift from a negative perspective of this time to make “shelter in p...

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Viral Anxiety - Endure, Revive, and Prosper… Mar 13, 2020

“This great nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that… the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
- FDR, first inaugural address 3/4/1933

Let’s be reasonable. A worldwide pandemic should be taken very seriously. Yet, like everything else, you prepare/do the best you can, and then let it go. We can control our actions (mostly!) and the rest is out of our hands. The fact that we live in an anxiety-ridden society doesn’t help; COVID-19 just bec...

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The Many Forms of Guidance Feb 21, 2020

Those in the “spiritual not religious” category often refer to guidance. It is defined as “advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority.” This authority can be an embodied person – a spiritual guru, a personal development teacher - anyone who helps you to learn and grow. In AA they have sponsors to help guide newcomers and support their ongoing program. It could even be a therapist or coach. We all need support! Hopefully we will have many influential teache...

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Tap Into Your Intuition! Feb 05, 2020

Phew! There is a LOT going on in the world right now! What is your personal experience in the midst of everything, and how can it be better?

Last week I wrote about grounding your spirituality in a practice. One of the things energy healing has done for me is to align my spiritual practice with my work.  They seamlessly merge, and one enhances the other.

In this new year - and new decade - I wanted to offer people the chance to try their hand (literally!) at sensing energy, and have some understanding on how that works....

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Spiritual Not Religious? Jan 31, 2020

The latest figures have 25% of Americans identifying as “spiritual, not religious.” I believe this is a positive trend – no more religious wars, trying to convert others, or a “my way is better than your way” attitude. People are finding spiritual connections in nature, in meditation, and in other esoteric philosophy. In fact, Buddhism is an example of a religion that can also be embraced as a philosophy. And yet a belief system needs to be grounded in an actual spiritual practice; that practice is what will hold you and ...

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Another New Year, Another Fresh Start? Jan 24, 2020

I read recently that most New Year’s resolutions are starting to flag by January 17th, and are mostly given up on by mid-February. The theory about the time it takes to implement a new habit has gone from 21 days to 66. Armed with intention and willpower, it seems to be an uphill battle to ingrain a new activity. Even harder is replacing or changing habitual patterns; patterns that don’t support our best selves, that don’t help us manifest our potential strengths.

Is there a way to make it easier? It’s always difficult t...

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Energy Signature of Presidents Jan 09, 2020

Once you recognize Energy Signatures – which is easy to do by just looking at someone! – you will not only understand people better, you will see commonalities within professions. And that includes Presidents!

Here’s a brief description of how to identify energy types based on physical appearance, and the gifts of each type (everybody has 3 types in their Energy Signature).

Let’s get started!


Physical attributes- symmetrical and fit, well defined facial features
PROS - organized, capable, productive and detail or...

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Integration is Key! Jan 03, 2020

The brain loves novelty and the new, even if it’s the ding of an incoming message. On a bigger scale we are enamored of growth. Yet growth without integration is fruitless. In nature there is the inhale and the exhale, Being and Doing, growth and integration. I challenge my students to practice the new techniques they have learned until they reach a point of fluency. If you learn something new without practicing, it becomes an interesting experience… memorable, perhaps insightful, but nothing in your life fundamentally ch...

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Celebrating Graduation - December 2019, Mercy Center Dec 27, 2019

I’d like to showcase the extraordinary people who just graduated from the program in December. Even though it was a stretch, they all made a commitment and got to the next level - in their work and in their personal lives.

This is what’s possible when you devote time, energy and money to your personal and professional growth as a healer!

Some of these grads were the first ones through the 2-year version of the program (affectionately called the “test tube babies” lol…). I am happy to report they have all become amazing ...

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Bless your food… with energy! Dec 17, 2019

Blessing your food is an ancient ritual, a spiritual and religious practice of gratitude. Saying a prayer before we eat actually drops us into Being – the “rest and digest” mode of the parasympathetic nervous system (versus the sympathetic “fight or flight”). A moment of mindful prayer actually prepares our body to digest food. So many spiritual practices actually have practical value as well!

So take a moment to appreciate the food you are about to eat. This can be as simple as looking at your food with attention to det...

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Kids and Chakras? Dec 12, 2019

Continuing the theme of chakras - and communication - from my last few articles, here’s a great resource to work with these dynamics specifically for children. 

As a spiritual, and possibly religious parent, we try to teach and influence our children about the deeper aspects of life. Morals, compassionate behavior, and a belief in a “higher power” can be taught intellectually. But how do you foster a spiritual or energetic experience? How do you model an orientation to this aspect of who we are?

Anyone who has tried to ...

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Cultural Chakras Nov 08, 2019

Just as there is an “American chakra”, most cultures have a chakra that is predominant - its characteristics define that culture’s worldview. That defining chakra is over-energized, which means that another chakra is usually under-energized. Therefore it defines the strengths, and weaknesses, of that energetic pattern as it manifests in a culture. As I write in “The American Chakra”, the predominance of 3rd chakra energy results in the 2nd chakra being less activated, which has specific consequences.

With all generalizat...

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