As a bookend to the last few weeks of astral activity, we now approach the Solstice. Unlike the heady Equinox energies, at Solstice the sun “stands still” - from our perspective on earth! - for three days. It’s like the pause of the breath between inhale and exhale, between the subtle shift of darkness into light. Plants contract into their roots, we move indoors and coldness descends; a literal contraction. It’s a time to withdraw, reflect, and nurture - to foster integration versus growth.
We get so wrapped up in the holidays that we often forget to honor this time. It’s a time to repair, just as our body restores itself in the darkness as we sleep. The innate intelligence that lies beneath our conscious direction or awareness heals us. It’s a miracle how this happens - something outside our structure of knowing.
It’s also a process of reconnection. Ultimately - and ideally - everything is connected! Modern humans are experiencing bigger disconnects than can be repaired overnight. We’re disconnected from our bodies, our emotional life, and spiritual identity. We try to manage everything through the mind, but we are its prisoners!
How do we change that? By letting go of our concept of linear time. Going into the darkness, the void of the unknown. We are missing the mystery. The question is not what to do - but how to be right now. We can continue with our old patterns of coping, or open up to possibility.
There is a shamanic healing journey called a “dis-memberment”. I experienced it a few times spontaneously before I learned it’s a well-known traditional journey. The first time it happened was during my energy healing training. I experienced dying and was eventually reduced to bones lying on the ground (after being picked over by various carrion.) There was peace in that total surrender.
Those experiences led me to Kali, the Hindu goddess of death. I went through a series of “initiations” with her. Laying on an animal skin outside the mouth of a cave, she stirred a cauldron - seriously, it was a scene straight out of MacBeth! She would sprinkle “potion” on me, and I would turn to bones and dust. Honestly it was such a difficult time in my life that I welcomed dissipating into that calm spaciousness.
After the “dis-memberment” there is the “re-membering”. Putting yourself back together again, coming back together with a renewed sense of connectedness with all. This is essential to move forward, to heal ourselves, our communities and our broken relationship with the planet. It’s a drastic way to break up old patterns and re-form yourself!
Where can you find the support needed to find a way forward? Relating to your own issues, other people and events, and what is happening in this moment - in a fresh way? My mission has always been to guide others to a direct, conscious experience of the worlds of energy and spirit. This journey is one we take in class, and this year I’ll be doing it to celebrate Solstice. Plan your own personal re-awakening in some form; spirit becomes clearer in the darkness!
Peace, love and healing -
Instruction on how to initiate a dismemberment journey is here
Please have appropriate support, especially if this is new for you.
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