Bear's Blog

Stairway to Heaven. Red heart shaped sky at sunset.

Love and Justice

Feb 13, 2025

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My Valentine to readers every year highlights the chakras most related to love; personal, societal, and boundless love. Justice is love in the societal sphere.

For Chinese New Year I delved into the mythology related to the snake. The Norse myth Ragnarök is about a battle between gods and giants. Their final battle signals the end of the world, which is then submerged in water (that's where the snake comes in). It’s reborn with a few surviving humans and gods into a world without evil.

The film series “Ragnarök” is set in modern Norway. The giants are titans of industry, wealthy beyond measure and destroying the environment to acquire that wealth. The gods are humans gifted with supernatural talents who try to stop them. They both have weapons that can destroy each other.

In this version of the myth, the battle also represents each person’s internal struggle between good and evil. How we choose to respond to the world’s injustices and suffering, and our own. The gods and giants eventually lay down their weapons to create a new world respecting the earth, each other, and all life. What can the love chakras tell us about how to get there?

Chakras two, four and six represent different expressions of love. The second chakra is the seat of emotion; it holds not only love, but fear and anger. It functions more in the physical realm. Our immediate relationship to suffering is to fix it, alleviate it, Do something about it. This usually involves helping the people near and dear to us.

Love at the fourth chakra responds to the suffering of many. We are motivated by empathy for others, and ideas of right and wrong. It includes Being AND Doing. We want to Do something like donate, volunteer or protest. We can also Be with those in their time of need by sending thoughts, prayers and the energy of money. We aim to manifest a world of love - and justice! - through our altruistic actions and intentions.

The sixth chakra (paired with the 7th) embodies absolute compassion with no distinctions. Responding without judgement about what is good and what is evil. Compassion for every living thing, including the earth itself, with the same consistency and care. It’s a Being state that overflows with love for all.

Our highest and lowest impulses are baked in. It’s the inherent experience - and challenge - of being human. That’s why it’s important to involve all these aspects of love in our lives; starting with thoughts, expressed through words and finally resulting in action. We humans have the capacity to act as divine gods, or give into our base nature of greed, domination and control.

Like power over force, love conquered the giants in both versions of Ragnarök!

We can manifest a world of peace, love and healing -


Chakras 2, 4, & 6 can be viewed as the 3 realms from my last blog, The Transcendental Donut

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