Bear's Blog

Woman raising her arms, view of sunset and mountains

Acting on Grateful

Nov 24, 2022

You hear a lot about gratitude around the Thanksgiving holiday, but ideally it’s a daily practice. I do it in the evening with meditation, movement, and Tonglen. Gratitude gives us a moment of perspective on what’s going right in our lives. These can be things that happened that day, or ongoing, longer-term situations. I can’t help comparing myself to others, thinking of what they may lack; feeling safe from bombing, being warm enough, having food to eat. We tend to take so much for granted!

If you are grateful for this life, how are you sharing it with others? We may provide an essential service or product in our work. We try to support our family and network of friends as best we can. Yet, you might long for something more - how to contribute in a deeper way that satisfies the spirit. Something that impacts us personally, and also the whole world!

The great thing about learning energy work is how it transforms us personally. It’s that, as much as helping others with healing skills, that creates a difference in our everyday experience. Just by Being - without Doing anything in particular - we have a positive effect on others.

A few may want to do energy healing professionally; it's a true labor of love when your work aligns with your spiritual path. No matter what your work is, the way you go about it can impact all you interact with. By becoming aware of energetic dynamics, we automatically grow our consciousness. It’s simple and builds one step at a time. Sensing the movement of energy from the ankle to the knee ultimately leads you to enlightenment!

My training has been changing lives for decades (check out the testimonials on my website). You will never look at the world the same way again. It’s a joy and wonder to see what’s possible!

I have graduates who work in the corporate world and also do a few healings every week; it adds that extra dimension to their lives. Others work regularly on family and friends. And - you can do many of the techniques for yourself! I incorporate energy work for self-care into my nightly routine.

Right after my recent “Jumpstart Foundations” class, several students were already using the Energy First Aid Kit for sore throats, and a partner's hip/knee issue. One practiced energetic boundaries in the airport, consciously expanding and contracting her auric field - and noticing how total strangers reacted! (You can have a lot of fun playing with energy.) Another did a full-body healing, and was surprised at how it helped her emotionally.

Students have also been able to do more than they imagined with the “Jumpstart Your Energy Healing Skills” Online course too. An artist completely healed an old elbow injury. A musician aligned the energy of his band before they played, and noticed a nice shift. Some have used my grounding technique to be totally present for someone dying. All have found practical uses for these basic skills - for people, pets and plants too.

Whatever motivates you to want more and be more in this life, you’ll be surprised at how many benefits your humanitarian impulses bring alive!

For those of you already thinking about what the next year can bring - and what you can bring to it, no matter the circumstances - the “Jumpstart Your Energy Healing Skills” Online is available again. I'm offering a Year-end Special which ends on DECEMBER 31ST! Best of all, your tuition for "Jumpstart Online" will be credited toward the “Jumpstart  Foundations” in-person class (March 2nd - 5th.) Try “Jumpstart Online” and if you want more, come play in March!!

Although coronaviruses are always going to be in the mix, life is more “normal” these days - and also forever changed. As we reflect on the past few years, and what our priorities are, it’s a good time to commit yourself to “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” (Mahatma Gandhi).

Feeling gratitude for the present … and what the future holds.

Peace, love and healing -


Learn more about all my courses here. If you have questions, you can sign up for a consult or email me at [email protected]

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