Miracles are merely things that happen outside our structure of knowing. Like with magic tricks, you can operate "outside the box" of the average mindset and grow skills to make real magic happen!
I was invited to be a guest on a podcast series (hosted by celebrity healer Adrien Blackwell, from SiriusXM, E!, and Vh-1) called “Making Miracles Happen.” The focus was going to be on stories about mediumship; but before the interview, Adrian read my book “Your Energy Signature.” It’s pretty much all we talked about! It was a lot of fun, and we may do more on that in the future. I also checked out some of her recorded meditations/healings and got some great benefits from those.
With the world turned upside down, there are new opportunities to create a better life. People are slowing down and re-evaluating their priorities. We are in an era of accelerated change, with unique opportunities to invent a new reality for ourselves.
How often do you meet people who truly believe in and create miracles?
These interviews will provide insights if you are seeking something new, or feel like something is missing in your life (but what?) This series could help you discover the right next steps to create your own miraculous story of transformation.
You can start to shift your energy and the course of your life just by listening. Demystify what is thought of as “mystical powers,” and experience them for yourself!
“Making Miracles Happen” will feature guests from all over the world during the Christmas season. They will share their expertise and guide you to discover the love and career you were meant to have. Leave the toxic nay-sayers behind! Learn how to tap into your intuition and connect with the divine energy that creates all joyfulness and abundance.
Aside from the amazing content, the series is free online while it airs. Join us in celebrating the season of giving - and receiving! Here’s the link -
New episodes will air daily, delivered directly to your inbox. As you open each email to reveal the next guest, you’ll feel inspired, giving you a much-needed break from the everyday world - and remind you that there is more to life than what we see.
You'll find this series entertaining, educational, and loaded with practical tips to change your heart, your willingness to be loved, to have a healthy bank account and be able to share your gifts with others. There's definitely something for everyone who wants to achieve a life of peace, love and healing!
P.S. Forward this email to those special people in your life - it could be just what they needed (yes, I believe all timing is divine...) Share this link on your social media, or directly to a friend! https://makingmiracleshappenseries.com/BearMcKay
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