Bear's Blog

Signs and Signals Jun 27, 2024

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Against all odds, Native peoples around the world have managed to carry on their culture and traditions to a large degree. Broken but not beaten, their rich wisdom of how to live on the Earth is still available. Are we ready to listen? Modern “progress” has created an escalating loss of insect, plant, animal and human life. As a result of poison and pollution the planet is heating up to an unsustainable degree. People have created this catastrophe...

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The Spiritual Brain May 18, 2024

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I embrace the field of neuroscience; in studying our nervous system, it's one step closer to people understanding that energy healing works. Tracking energy with a brain scan in real time shows what areas of the brain are activated in different states and activities. A newer field, neurotheology (also called spiritual neuroscience), studies what happens in the brain when we are having a religious or spiritual experience. Is there a consistent biological correlation...

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