Bear's Blog

Fly Your Flag Sep 05, 2024

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Symbols are powerful things. They are shorthand for what we believe in, and people have died for them - and what they symbolize - throughout history. National flags reflect those identities and values, and flags can also represent other self-defined groups. During Pride Month we see lots of flags in celebration of that community! Just recently the Democratic Party “reclaimed” the flag because it had become appropriated by Republicans as the symbol of...

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Our National Brouhaha Jul 25, 2024

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I was going to do a series of relaxing, feel-good blogs for the summer, but the political sturm and drang have been disquieting. I’d still like to offer a break from all the drama! I invite you to dive into a few entertaining movies that illustrate other volatile moments in our body politic. All are fictional movies of actual events, and they give me perspective and hope at this particular time in American history. Maybe you think it’s never been this...

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A Reign of Terror? Jul 18, 2024

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There are two poles of human emotion - love and fear. Every other emotion is an iteration of those basic ones. Out of fear arises anger and its expression, violence; also greed, revenge, exploitation, and entitlement. Fear of survival is a basic instinct driving those impulses. We also have an instinct to love. To bond with another (as an infant does), to cooperate with others, to learn and grow and care. Those also contribute to our survival. We are hormonally...

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Born on the Fourth Jul 04, 2024

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This week we celebrate the birth of the United States of America. At the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin said “when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble… all their prejudices, passions, errors of opinion, local interests and selfish views.” Afterwards when asked about the outcome, he said “It’s a republic, if you can keep it.” The United States is a democratic...

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Make Love Not War May 11, 2024

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When writing about current events, I avoid calling out particulars to focus on the bigger energetic dynamics in play. Not so in my last blog. I noted the similarities between the wave of anti-war student protests in the 60’s and now; I also emphasized the power of nonviolence, and that violence begets more violence. I’ve gotten many responses with a variety of positions on the Mideast war. In reply, I’d like to consider the ways we hold our own...

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Heroes Feb 22, 2024

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“My life is my message.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Our greatest heroes are those who affected the rest of humanity through their example - without violence. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. are a few. Now Alexei Navalny will forever stand among those who made great sacrifices for the cause of freedom. Freedom from oppression; freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. All deserve equal treatment, respect and consideration....

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Let it Flow! Jul 13, 2023

Energy flows - more or less. So does water, and they move in similar ways. In contemplating our current state of affairs lately, I think money does too! When they flow freely, all are realizing their full potential; people are supported, society thrives and the earth is nourished in a reciprocal give and take.

When the flow gets hindered or blocked, problems arise. Systems become depleted when resources are not freely circulating. We can see the effects of this in all those areas.


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The Boomerang Generation May 04, 2023

The astrology these days is similar to the late 60’s – when a cultural revolution changed America forever. Now that we are officially in the Age of Aquarius, what exactly does that mean?

The political minority continues to wield power and discriminate against “others” in more and more extreme ways. Sides have hardened into full-out warfare between democracy and autocracy. Civil war is mentioned, and people have been called to arms. Who will lead the way out of these...

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Hate Divides, Love Conquers! Nov 10, 2022

We just had a full moon, lunar eclipse and - election day! According to astrology, and most analysts and pollsters, we were primed to expect the unexpected. Turns out it was NOT typical but - the more things change, the more they stay the same!

My main take-away today is that we are still deeply divided, which was predictable. Why? Is it because we basically have two choices? Nothing is ever black and white, but people with different perspectives have been able to work together in the past.


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A Tarnished Celebration Jul 07, 2022

Wow… there’s been a lot to take in. I’m spending an extra week sitting with the next blog, digesting the news of the day and how it relates to healing, and energy. In the meantime, here’s a replay which is even more relevant today... except that the vote itself is on the ballot this fall.

Got a Vote? (from August 28, 2020)

I teach and practice “Full Spectrum” healing; that means I include the physical body as well as the more subtle energetic forms that...

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My Favorite Political Films that Inform and Entertain Nov 10, 2020

Whew! The election was a nail-biter. Looking forward to a return of competence, decency and honesty in the White House (not to mention presidential pets – and another groundbreaking first, a rescue dog). Exhausted from living in Trumpworld for 4 years, I am ecstatic to finally be liberated!
So let’s take a break. I invite you to dive into some entertaining movies that give historical context to some of our recent cultural and political currents. All are fictional movies of...

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Got A Vote? Aug 28, 2020

I teach and practice “Full Spectrum” healing; that means I include the physical body as well as all the more subtle energetic forms that make up our whole being. It’s all connected, and it’s all important.

Just as we need to pay attention to our physical being, we also need to address and be engaged with the practical aspects of our lives. That includes participating in our group “consensus reality” - our families, communities and governments. We are...

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