Bear's Blog

day and night equinox time change concept above mountainous countryside scenery in spring. trees and grass on hills rolling through green valley in to the distant ridge with sun and moon on the sky

Brother Sun, Sister Moon

Jun 20, 2024

Welcome to another rare celestial event! Every 19 years the sun and moon meet at their fullest. This week the strongest solstice energy is from June 19th to 21st, with the full moon brightening from the 20th through the 22nd. What was happening in your life 19 years ago? This configuration signals the birth of the next 19-year cycle. What needs to be completed, what calls you forward? Soak in the brilliance of the sun and moon now, for they will nourish you in the coming months!

Solstices and equinoxes are the big markers in the sky for us earthlings, defining the seasons of life. Equinoxes (spring and fall) are transitional; the sun’s energy streaming down on the planet is active and transformative. The solstices (winter and summer) are quite different energetically. In Latin solstice means “sun still”. The sun is in the same position relative to Earth for approximately three days, beaming its intensity to the fullest. Both solstices and equinoxes reset our circadian rhythm (plus much more) for the next 6 months.

A full moon happens when the moon is opposite the sun with the earth in between. The June “Strawberry Moon” will be extra large and colorful, and low in the sky. It may not even be visible in the far north because the moon is at its southernmost point (while the sun is at its northernmost point). These strong solar and lunar transmissions will inform your BODY, and 90% of our biology is influenced by light and dark. Our hormonal system is structured according to the influences of the sun and moon, and solstice creates peak dopamine and serotonin levels.

Solstice is the longest day of the year and celebrated world-wide. It represents blessings of prosperity and abundance. The plant world we depend on is flourishing, providing us with subsistence through the coming year. All life on Earth depends on the sun (maybe that’s why when the sun disappears at the eclipse it’s so unnerving!)

  • The colors of solstice are red, orange and yellow. It’s interesting to me that those are the colors - frequencies - of the lower three chakras, which are associated with our physical life.
  • The Celts traditionally celebrate around a bonfire the night before solstice, and wear flower wreaths and garlands to dance and greet the sunrise.
  • In Egypt, solstice signaled the return of the star Sirius in their night sky - thought to bring about the annual flooding of the Nile, ensuring bountiful crops.
  • The Sun Dance is a Native American tradition around solstice time. It’s a several-day ceremony of fasting and dancing (the men paint their bodies yellow) to give thanks and pray for abundance.
  • The sun represents the creative principle and active yang energy in the IChing; the moon embodies the receptive, denoting darkness and nurturing yin energy. Astrologically right now the moon is in Capricorn (structure) and the sun is in Cancer (flow), also a pair of opposites.
  • June was traditionally the month for marriage (named after the Roman goddess of marriage, Juno.) A European name for this Moon was the Honey Moon – probably why a “honeymoon” follows marriage!

It’s a stellar year for cosmic influences on Earth. This solstice is super-powered because the sun is at "solar maximum" in its 11-year cycle. Underlying everything is the Dragon energy of growth, courage and innovation (and it’s the year of the green Wood Dragon, representing plant life.)

We are at a tipping point, called to connect with and revere our beautiful planet - so let’s all lean into Peace, Love and Healing!


Here is an exercise to take advantage of this dynamic energy! A Practice for the Solar Lunar Reunion

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