Bear's Blog
The whole world has gone through - and is still going through - major changes. Earth-shaking changes that only come along every half century or so. Lucky us! Despite the turmoil, there's a chance for us all to create something different.
What is your role in this great transfiguration?
I keep hearing about “crushing it” in the new year. I don’t want to crush anything! I want to expand my horizons, learn new skills, and double down on my soul’s purpose - to get more healers out into the world.
Learning to work with ener...
“It’s better to give than to receive” - (Acts 20:35, King James Version, the Bible)
This time of year there is a lot of emphasis on gifting. Did you know that giving activates the “love hormone” oxytocin? It’s literally pleasurable to be the giver. Yet we cannot give without someone on the other end receiving. Why is that role so difficult? It’s potentially a mutual experience of connection; we deprive ourselves of that moment of closeness when we are reluctant to fully receive.
Resistance to being the recipient can be ...
Tis the season! We are spending extra time with people - relatives, friends, and going out for more social events. There are different kinds of energy connections between people depending on the type of attachment, duration, and whether it's with a single person or a group.
Some are enduring; others are less developed or transitory. They can be related to the chakras, or our energy field activity (the aura). It’s good to be aware of the variety of interactions and their relative importance.
First, the more superficial c...
This time of year we’re urged to be of good cheer, enjoy glad tidings, rejoice and embrace the holiday spirit. It’s a good thing generally, but for many it highlights their loneliness, isolation or what’s missing in their life.
“Blue Christmas'' services are held in early December for those who have lost a loved one in the past year. So many have died through sickness, violence, or desperation recently. The Covid era accelerated all those issues, taking a big toll on our mental health.
Loneliness and isolation make a lo...
You hear a lot about gratitude around the Thanksgiving holiday, but ideally it’s a daily practice. I do it in the evening with meditation, movement, and Tonglen. Gratitude gives us a moment of perspective on what’s going right in our lives. These can be things that happened that day, or ongoing, longer-term situations. I can’t help comparing myself to others, thinking of what they may lack; feeling safe from bombing, being warm enough, having food to eat. We tend to take so much for granted!
If you are grateful for this ...
It’s been a tumultuous few weeks (that eclipse window!) but I’m welcoming a little lighter energy in general, punctuated by hopefulness. Even so, there have been lots of twists and turns - from dread to elation, fear, surprise, disgust, pride and denial - and that's just the last 3 days!
These influences are best navigated moment to moment. We have a certain amount of control in this flux, like steering through waters that can be smooth, rocky, or have challenging currents.
We are moved by big cosmic energies, earthly r...
We just had a full moon, lunar eclipse and - election day! According to astrology, and most analysts and pollsters, we were primed to expect the unexpected. Turns out it was NOT typical but - the more things change, the more they stay the same!
My main take-away today is that we are still deeply divided, which was predictable. Why? Is it because we basically have two choices? Nothing is ever black and white, but people with different perspectives have been able to work together in the past.
The first red flag feeding th...
There are big energies that affect us all - those of the moon, stars and planets! We can experience an intensification of energy around the full moon, and there is much anecdotal evidence (and legend) around it. If you’ve seen a total eclipse in person, you know it’s a profound experience - one that has mesmerized humans for centuries. Several times a year there is a two-week period bookended by eclipses; it’s known for the way it brings forth dynamic, unpredictable, and often sudden changes.
It started with a partial so...
What is it about fall? Activity is winding down from summer, yet it's exciting. It’s a time of connection, celebration and reflection. Clearly a transition, this is when we also acknowledge one of the biggest transitions - from life to death.
Did you know that half of Americans now believe they are living with ghosts? That is a big change. Our European counterparts have been living with ghosts for centuries. What does dealing with a ghost entail?
Many people have made peace with the ghosts in their home, whether out of ...
Fall is a time of transition. Seasonal changes affect the planetary whole - that includes us, and definitely our bodies! In the Indian system of health, Ayurveda, the fall and spring are the optimal time to do a cleanse because we are more susceptible to getting sick when “weathering” these changes.
We undergo many major transitions in our lives; it’s these in-between times that create higher levels of stress in our physiology. How can we navigate challenging conditions with more ease?
We’re all familiar with the big ev...
Called world wars because they involved Europe and other major countries, the war in Ukraine is different; it affects every country, every person. The ways in which we are completely interconnected are clear.
The impacts are two-fold. It’s devastating in many ways, but on the other side is this - the outpouring of care, concern and support for Ukraine has united the world in a positive way. The power of attention, intention and the energy of love cannot be minimized as a factor in this battle.
The difficulties? Commodit...
We measure time in natural cycles; days and nights, the waxing and waning moon and seasons. Equinoxes and solstices are calculated according to the positions of the earth and the sun. The fall equinox is today, September 22nd - when day and night are the same length.
Ancient peoples created monuments marking the precise moment of the seasonal shift. Why? In earlier times people lived more “in tune” with nature. We may think it’s less relevant for us today, but our bodies tell a different story!
The equinox is much more ...
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