Bear's Blog

Impermanence is Scary Sep 15, 2022

With her passing, Queen Elizabeth II exemplifies both stability and change. A steady, wise presence that defined an era, her death highlights the underlying chaos of the times.

We crave the illusion of constancy because the reality of continual change is terrifying. Hardwired to control our environment for physical safety, stability equals survival. To get beyond this ingrained, instinctive drive we can look to the three marks of existence in Buddhism - impermanence, non-self, and suffering.

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Letā€™s Walk the Talk Sep 01, 2022

Getting started with a healthy practice - and staying the course - is challenging. It’s easier to take a walk with a buddy (my dog, every day!) because it provides companionship, a timeframe and a no-excuse zone. Learning something new is also harder on our own. It helps to have a trainer at the gym show us the ropes rather than trying to figure out what we need.

Do you want some company to get started with a few go-to energetic practices in your daily life? I’m here for you!


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Mind, BODY, and Spirit! Aug 25, 2022

I’ve been studying, practicing and teaching energy healing for over two decades now. In the beginning I was so excited about the work I wanted to stand on a mountaintop and broadcast its value! I soon realized that I was an outlier.

The main focus of Western medicine is the physical body; those working with an expanded understanding of human physiology were dismissed. After all these years we're now “cutting edge”. It’s wonderful to see the acceptance and popularity of...

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Humanity's Challenge Aug 18, 2022

Humans are different, and yet the same, as other sentient beings. Some assume these differences make us more special and therefore entitled. Are we truly the rulers of the planet? Power, when yielded with ignorance, can create havoc.

Us humans have evolved a large brain - for thinking. We also have the capability for growth in consciousness. This requires a higher understanding of the attributes and functions of the brain; the level of our insight ultimately determines the choices we make.


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Signs Youā€™ve Had a Past Life Aug 11, 2022

You may not believe in past lives, but when your time comes you’ll surely be enlightened on the matter! Some won’t need to rely on faith that it’s true; direct experience proves the bigger picture. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of evidence available to a non-believer who is paying attention.

Some signs are called déjà-vu; a feeling of something that has come before. Evoked by a place, a sound, a smell, or any kind of sensation, it feels like a memory....

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The Exquisite Forms of Nature Aug 04, 2022

There are universal forms arising naturally that are evident in everything. Salt, sand, and other crystals have fixed, geometric structures. We use squares, rectangles, trapezoids, and triangles in our built environment for their stability.

Organic, biological forms are part of nature too. They are inherently dynamic, fluid and mutable. Waves, spirals, branching, expansion and contraction are in this category. All these patterns are evident in the human physiology and are utilized in energy...

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Global Warming, Revisited Jul 28, 2022

Heat. Heat, and more heat. Remember when it stopped being called “global warming” and is now referred to as “climate change”? That’s because the weather wasn’t always warmer, but was more intense and erratic. The alarming rise in sea level works with both labels.

High temperatures are maybe the most deadly natural disaster, albeit a silent one. It doesn't get the same attention as more dramatic natural catastrophes. Whatever the name, we’re in it big...

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A Recipe for Sanity Jul 21, 2022

These are tumultuous times. We are certainly experiencing a disturbance - in the group energy field, in the streets, in our thinking and emotions, and ultimately in our bodies. I have to keep pulling myself away from the weight of events to reference my spiritual practices.

My self-care practices are helpful while I am engaged in doing them. I’m not really noticing a residual or underlying difference right now, although I’m sure I would feel worse without them. I want to be open...

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Dimensions of Our Being Jul 14, 2022

What’s the difference between chakras, dantien points on the Hara Line, and our Soul body? They are forms that exist on different dimensions. All are aspects of our energetic physiology, but because they exist on different planes, they can seem to occupy the same space! What’s even more interesting is how they relate and interact with each other.

The Soul comes in at conception and is the essential “operating system” for our entire Being. It is who we are at the...

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A Tarnished Celebration Jul 07, 2022

Wow… there’s been a lot to take in. I’m spending an extra week sitting with the next blog, digesting the news of the day and how it relates to healing, and energy. In the meantime, here’s a replay which is even more relevant today... except that the vote itself is on the ballot this fall.

Got a Vote? (from August 28, 2020)

I teach and practice “Full Spectrum” healing; that means I include the physical body as well as the more subtle energetic forms that...

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The Immortal Soul Jun 30, 2022

In response to recent events, I thought I would share my experience with the soul, the primary “energy body” that enlivens and informs our physical being. In my classes, I teach about our soul’s journey here on earth and in the spirit realm, and the ways we can interact on that level as healers. In between our earthly adventures, we reside as a soul in heaven (a “place” that has many names.) It's a perspective we occasionally hear about in near-death experiences,...

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Empaths and Energy Signatures Jun 22, 2022

Are you an empath? A lot of people are relating to that term these days. Empaths sense other people’s emotions and feelings. Did you know there are three kinds of empaths, according to what their Energy Signature is?

The Priest, Lover and Gardener are all different energy types that have empathic qualities. The specific way they sense other people’s “stuff” depends on what types are in their Energy Signature. How the three kinds of empaths engage with people is...

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