Bear's Blog

The Stargate Dec 12, 2024

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Once a year a cosmic corridor opens as the sun passes directly across the center of the Milky Way. High energy particles stream out from the galactic center - a massive black hole - into the ionosphere. This supercharged gateway is happening between December 12th and 21st, peaking mid-way.

Astrologically this window of time coincides with a Venus-Mars opposition (12-12), the full moon (12-15) and the winter solstice (12-21). This year is an especially powerful time as we are at solar maximum....

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Closer to Home Dec 05, 2024

What do my students do after they find out their Energy Signature? Figure out which ones fit their partners, kids, parents, friends and co-workers!

Armed with your “cheat sheet” you may be noticing how physical clues and behaviors match up. Are you wondering if you’re judging people? The conduct described seems biased toward the negative.

What you see is a superficial manifestation of an energy type. Knowing a bit more about WHY these patterns develop actually elicits more compassion for people.

This is especially impo...

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Love to People Watch? Nov 30, 2024

Whether it’s family, friends or just shopping, we’re out and more social during the holidays. That means we have lots of opportunities to observe the diversity – and similarities - of human nature.

One of the greatest things about Energy Signatures is that you can guess a person’s main energy type just by looking at their body. After all, the physical body is merely our densest energy body. Someone’s proportions, shape and other physical features give us clues to their energetic patterns.

You could sit in a coffee shop ...

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Transition Time Nov 21, 2024

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Post-election drama continues, but we need a time out right now before we officially head into the holiday season. We are exhausted; our already overloaded nervous systems deserve a respite. All transitions (including autumn) create higher levels of stress. The best way to get through these next few weeks with patience is to ground, take a deep breath and meditate. Fortunately mental health can be curated with these simple practices! Bringing the Hara into alignment is where I always start.


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Stay Healthy This Season! Nov 14, 2024

Surprised at my realism last week? I highlighted things promised and detailed in the 2025 manifesto. Yet despair is a luxury we can’t afford! Trump’s plans are not self-executing. There are some laws that will hold, and people to hold them. Remember - half of America is holding the light of hope, of liberty and equality.

What to do? First take care of yourself and others! Physically, psychologically, spiritually, and our communal health.  I’ll be focusing on those other aspects through November.

First the physical – bec...

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Celebrating Ancestors Oct 31, 2024

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Ah, Halloween… a very popular modern holiday! It started as the Celtic/pagan festival of Samhain, to welcome the harvest and usher in the “dark part of the year.”

Celebrants believed the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down at this dark time, allowing more interaction between them. In ancient Europe pagan celebrations of the dead took place in the fall and consisted of bonfires, dancing, and feasting.

There were many scary creatures associated with Samhain too,...

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Ghost Busting - Ghostly Adventures Oct 24, 2024

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In autumn, when the veil is thin, we are drawn to the world of spirit and – ghosts! As in an unwanted, often unknown visitor in a building, usually but not always a home. In my very first experience at “ghost-busting”, I was a total neophyte and had no training whatsoever. It was a decade later that I got some extensive training in energy healing. Now I consider my work helping spirits leave as a healing for all involved – because it’s always better to move forward on our karmic path.

Too Sca...

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The Elusive Truth Oct 17, 2024

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Babies are the epitome of innocence, untainted by the world, pure - like the meme of the 3 wise monkeys would suggest. In the Buddhist tradition “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” is about avoiding evil thoughts and deeds. It’s also been interpreted as choosing to ignore indecent or dishonest behavior. Either way the ultimate meaning is about mature people taking responsibility for how they think and act. Today it can be hard to discern what is true, right or good in a given situation....

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A Warrior Goddess! Oct 10, 2024

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One of the biggest Hindu religious and cultural festivals of the year, Navratri, is happening now. It’s nine days of fasts, vigils and rituals honoring the divine feminine as Durga, the Warrior Goddess. In the heroic, age-old battle of good over evil she fought a demon for nine days and won. According to legend the demon couldn't be killed by any man. Symbolizing strength and courage, people pray to her for bravery and to overcome challenges. You may recognize Durga as the one who rides a tige...

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A Battle for Hearts and Minds Oct 03, 2024

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Understanding the Energy Signatures of the presidential candidates gives us an opportunity to reflect on how the dynamics of their energy types explain their behavior. There are “2 sides of the coin” to each energy type. The gifts and the challenges are at the far ends of a spectrum. The more you work through your challenges (cons), the more you will exhibit the “gifts” (pros) side of the equation. A defensive pattern – how you react when in conflict – is a challenge.

Donald Trump - Warrior-L...

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The Fifth Dimension Sep 26, 2024

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Planetary events like equinoxes, solstices, eclipses and various constellations peak at optimal alignment at a certain moment. Yet these big energies affect us over a longer period of time. Constellations in our personal astrological chart can be energetic influences for months or years! The main cosmic events have the strongest impact a week before and after it "happens". We can take advantage of that two-week portal when the strongest energies are being transmitted. Why is this so important?...

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Ready, Set - Grow! Sep 19, 2024

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Eclipses bring forward situations and circumstances related to what needs to transform and evolve. They always come in pairs - first the lunar eclipse, then two weeks later the solar eclipse. This year, as in the spring, the eclipses coincide with the equinox! The 2024 Dragon year supercharges it all, catapulting us into the future. I have personally experienced the eclipse window as a time when there are unexpected opportunities or choices to be made about a significant change in direction.

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