Bear's Blog
We’re at the end of a tremendous influx of energy from our sun. The March 29th new moon supermoon solar eclipse is the final “bookend” of a 2-week eclipse window, with the Equinox at its center. This specific period is over, but it’s also a beginning. The new moon is in Aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac, full of fiery passion. At equinox light and dark are equal; now we move into a season of growth. We have received encoded light, a new initiation in our ongoing evolution.
The past week there...
More energy comes from the sun during Spring Equinox than any other time of year. The ionosphere elongates and creates wider openings at the north and south poles to receive this energy. The poles are entry points for circles of energy that revolve around earth’s axis in a torus. We’re also receiving the sun’s energy at the surface. Down through our crown and up from the earth; both humans and the planet are cycling energy in the shape of a torus. The Fountain exercise enhances that flow for u...
We have an unusual set of cosmic energies supercharging us this month. Today ushers in the beginning of a 2-week “eclipse window” - a bookend of energies between the full moon lunar and new moon solar eclipses. Planted right in the middle is the Spring Equinox, with its period of strongest influence within the eclipse window. Amplifying all of it is solar maximum. The sun is at peak activity in its 11 year cycle. Take advantage of this time to accelerate your spiritual growth!
There are significant astrological alignment...
We are affected to some degree by the weather. How much time we spend inside or outside depends on the temperature and precipitation. Our mood can reflect the sky - sunny or cloudy? Howling wind or calm breezes contribute to our state of mind. All are visible, tangible aspects of the environment. What we don’t see - but acutely feel - is the cosmic weather. Massive waves of solar energy continue to inundate the planet since last week. It creates energy surges which can disrupt our health.
I’ve been hearing from many who ...
Once a year a cosmic corridor opens as the sun passes directly across the center of the Milky Way. High energy particles stream out from the galactic center - a massive black hole - into the ionosphere. This supercharged gateway is happening between December 12th and 21st, peaking mid-way.
Astrologically this window of time coincides with a Venus-Mars opposition (12-12), the full moon (12-15) and the winter solstice (12-21). This year is an especially powerful time as we are at solar maximum....
Planetary events like equinoxes, solstices, eclipses and various constellations peak at optimal alignment at a certain moment. Yet these big energies affect us over a longer period of time. Constellations in our personal astrological chart can be energetic influences for months or years! The main cosmic events have the strongest impact a week before and after it "happens". We can take advantage of that two-week portal when the strongest energies are being transmitted. Why is this so important?...
Eclipses bring forward situations and circumstances related to what needs to transform and evolve. They always come in pairs - first the lunar eclipse, then two weeks later the solar eclipse. This year, as in the spring, the eclipses coincide with the equinox! The 2024 Dragon year supercharges it all, catapulting us into the future. I have personally experienced the eclipse window as a time when there are unexpected opportunities or choices to be made about a significant change in direction.
...Welcome to another rare celestial event! Every 19 years the sun and moon meet at their fullest. This week the strongest solstice energy is from June 19th to 21st, with the full moon brightening from the 20th through the 22nd. What was happening in your life 19 years ago? This configuration signals the birth of the next 19-year cycle. What needs to be completed, what calls you forward? Soak in the brilliance of the sun and moon now, for they will nourish you in the coming months!
Solstices and equinoxes are the big marker...
Since the eclipse some people are still experiencing more intensity in the form of physical or emotional dysregulation. With all the extra energy from the sun, maybe you are too! The “solar maximum” lasts through November. We want to take advantage of the positive solar input AND protect ourselves from negative environmental energies. Grounding is important in both situations, and a strong boundary helps eliminate the impact of the pervasive electromagnetic activity generated by human devices....
Humans have been looking at the stars from the beginning. Measuring. Noticing and marking the change of seasons with equinoxes - “equal” day and night - and solstices, when the “sun stands still”. Assigning time to cycles of the moon and stars; day and night, months and years. The transitions between light and dark are always gradual. The upheaval of an eclipse is extraordinary - in an instant the sun, hidden by the moon, goes black. Without the sun, there is no life on Earth as we know it.
Is there a cosmic conspiracy to (en)lighten us up? The finale of the current celestial events is the total solar eclipse on April 8th (also a supermoon, when the moon is closest to Earth!) The equinox portal and “eclipse window” officially end that day, but the sun’s energy will continue to be more active for several days as it winds down. We won’t return to “normal” - underlying those events is an overall increase in solar activity. The sun’s eleven-year solar flare cycle is peaking in 2024!
...It’s critical to understand the exponential potential we have to resource, change, and reset our destiny at this time. Not only our personal energetic and biological destiny, but that of the entire human race and the planet. It sounds impossibly big! So as always we start simply, with ourselves, doing what we can. The equinox shift is supported and enhanced by eclipse energies right now. We have the Dragon energy with us all year long, as well as the peak of solar activity in its 11 year cycle...
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